Crafted By
Purchased From
Used For
Aetheryte Ticket |
Aetheryte Ticket allows the player to teleport for free.
Aithon Whistle |
Used to summon Aithon, a mount
Aquamarine Cross |
Traded to Grand Company for 25,000 Company Seals.
Armor Identification Key |
Unlocks Magitek Armor (Mount)
Atma of the Archer |
Used to upgrade Zenith Relic Weapons into Atma Zodiac Weapons
Atma of the Bull |
Used to upgrade Zenith Relic Weapons into Atma Zodiac Weapons
Atma of the Crab |
Used to upgrade Zenith Relic Weapons into Atma Zodiac Weapons
Atma of the Fish |
Used to upgrade Zenith Relic Weapons into Atma Zodiac Weapons
Atma of the Goat |
Used to upgrade Zenith Relic Weapons into Atma Zodiac Weapons
Atma of the Lion |
Used to upgrade Zenith Relic Weapons into Atma Zodiac Weapons
Atma of the Maiden |
Used to upgrade Zenith Relic Weapons into Atma Zodiac Weapons
Atma of the Ram |
Used to upgrade Zenith Relic Weapons into Atma Zodiac Weapons
Atma of the Scales |
Used to upgrade Zenith Relic Weapons into Atma Zodiac Weapons
Atma of the Scorpion |
Used to upgrade Zenith Relic Weapons into Atma Zodiac Weapons
Atma of the Twins |
Used to upgrade Zenith Relic Weapons into Atma Zodiac Weapons
Atma of the Water-bearer |
Used to upgrade Zenith Relic Weapons into Atma Zodiac Weapons
Barding of Light |
Changes the appearance of your Chocobo
Behemoth Barding |
Changes the appearance of your Chocobo
Behemoth Warhorn |
Unlocks the Behemoth Mount.
Black Mage Barding |
Changes the appearance of your Chocobo
Bomb Palanquin Horn |
Kobold Vendor |
Unlocks Bomb Palanquin mount
Chocobo Whistle |
Unlocks Company Chocobo mount
Coeurl Bell |
Unlocks Coeurl (Mount)
Company-issue Engineering Manual |
Flame Quartermaster, Serpent Quartermaster, Storm Quartermaster |
Increases Crafting experience gained by 50% for 3 hours. Maximum bonus EXP gained is 20,000.
Company-issue Engineering Manual II |
Flame Quartermaster, Serpent Quartermaster, Storm Quartermaster |
Increases Crafting experience gained by 50% for 3 hours. Maximum bonus EXP gained is 40,000.
Company-issue Survival Manual |
Flame Quartermaster, Serpent Quartermaster, Storm Quartermaster |
Increases Gathering experience gained by 50% for 3 hours. Maximum bonus EXP gained is 20,000.
Company-issue Survival Manual II |
Flame Quartermaster, Serpent Quartermaster, Storm Quartermaster |
Increases Gathering experience gained by 50% for 3 hours. Maximum bonus EXP gained is 40,000.
Drake Horn |
Amalj'aa Vendor |
Unlocks Calvary Drake
Elbst Horn |
Sahagin Vendor |
Unlocks Cavalry Elbst
Emerald Bough |
Traded to Grand Company for 25,000 Company Seals.
Emerald Leaf |
Traded to Grand Company for 25,000 Company Seals.
Enbarr Whistle |
Unlocks Enbarr mount
Fat Chocobo Whistle |
Unlocks Fat Chocobo mount
Flame Chocobo Issuance |
Required for My Little Chocobo (Immortal Flames) quest
Flame Warsteed Horn |
Unlocks Flame Warsteed Horn mount
Gilded Armor Identification Key |
Unlocked Gilded Magitek Armor mount
Gold Scales |
Traded to Grand Company for 25,000 Company Seals.
Goobbue Horn |
Unlocks Goobbue (Mount)
Gridanian Barding |
Changes the appearance of your Chocobo
Gridanian Crested Barding |
Changes the appearance of your Chocobo
Gridanian Half Barding |
Changes the appearance of your Chocobo
Gullfaxi Whistle |
Unlocks Gullfaxi mount
Lapis Cross |
Traded to Grand Company for 25,000 Company Seals.
Laurel Goobbue Horn |
Sylphic Vendor |
Unlocks Laurel Goobbue
Legacy Chocobo Whistle |
Unlocks Legacy Chocobo
Levin Barding |
Level 50*** Leatherworker |
Changes the appearance of your Chocobo
Lominsan Barding |
Changes the appearance of your Chocobo
Lominsan Crested Barding |
Changes the appearance of your Chocobo
Lominsan Half Barding |
Changes the appearance of your Chocobo
Markab Whistle |
Unlocks Markab mount
Master Alchemist I |
Master Alchemist: Demimateria |
Master Alchemist: Glamours |
Master Armorer I |
Master Armorer: Demimateria |
Master Armorer: Glamours |
Master Blacksmith I |
Master Blacksmith: Demimateria |
Master Blacksmith: Glamours |
Master Carpenter I |
Master Carpenter: Demimateria |
Master Carpenter: Glamours |
Master Culinarian I |
Master Goldsmith I |
Master Goldsmith: Demimateria |
Master Goldsmith: Glamours |
Master Leatherworker I |
Master Leatherworker: Demimateria |
Master Leatherworker: Glamours |
Master Weaver I |
Master Weaver: Demimateria |
Master Weaver: Glamours |
Mirror of the Whorl |
Used to upgrade Wave Weapons into Tidal Wave Weapons
Nightmare Whistle |
Oil of Time |
On the Properties of Beastmen |
Platinum Scales |
Plumed Barding |
Changes the appearance of your Chocobo
Rowena's Token (Soldiery) |
Sanction |
Sands of Time |
Serpent Chocobo Issuance |
Required for My Little Chocobo (Twin Adder) quest
Serpent Warsteed Horn |
Sleipnir Barding |
Changes the appearance of your Chocobo
Sovereign Barding |
Changes the appearance of your Chocobo
Sphere Scroll: Artemis Bow |
Sphere Scroll: Bravura |
Sphere Scroll: Curtana |
Sphere Scroll: Gae Bolg |
Sphere Scroll: Holy Shield |
Sphere Scroll: Omnilex |
Sphere Scroll: Sphairai |
Sphere Scroll: Stardust Rod |
Sphere Scroll: The Veil of Wiyu |
Sphere Scroll: Thyrus |
Starlight Barding |
Changes the appearance of your Chocobo
Storm Chocobo Issuance |
Required for My Little Chocobo (Maelstrom) quest
Storm Warsteed Horn |
The Fury's Anthem |
The Keeper's Hymn |
Tidal Barding |
Level 50*** Armorer |
Changes the appearance of your Chocobo
Ul'dahn Barding |
Changes the appearance of your Chocobo
Ul'dahn Crested Barding |
Changes the appearance of your Chocobo
Ul'dahn Half Barding |
Changes the appearance of your Chocobo
Unicorn Whistle |
Unidentified Allagan Tomestone |
Voidal Resonator |
Warbear Horn |
Warlion Horn |
Xanthos Whistle |