
From Final Fantasy XIV Online Wiki
Revision as of 05:55, 28 March 2021 by Serenamyr (talk | contribs) (→‎How to Get There (Whence Unlocked): simplify instructions since you can just teleport from the aetheryte now.)
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How to Get There (To Unlock)

  1. Finish Return to Ivalice Questline (*Raid.png The Royal City of Rabanastre
  1. Finish Hail to the Queen in Kugane from Keiten at X:12.2 Y:12.3 then do the following quest "Path to the Past" from Marsak to reach Gangos

How to Get There (Whence Unlocked)

  1. Open your Map or Teleportation Window
  2. Choose the Doman Enclave under The Far East section
  3. Use the Aetheryte Crystal network to teleport to Gangos