Water from Stone
Miner Class Quest
Teleport to Bentbranch Meadows in Central Shroud and run South into South Shroud. Head to these coordinates in South Shroud (X:16, Y:19). Note: Be sure to use Sneak to avoid hostile creatures.
- Deliver bottles of effervescent water (HQ) to Adalberta.
- Adalberta needs you to take on the work of an indisposed guild member.
- One of your fellow miners has been taken ill, and Adalberta needs you to procure fifteen bottles of high-quality effervescent water in his stead. She recommends you head to Buscarron's Scar in Gridania's South Shroud to find a particularly pure source. Once you have the required number, deliver them to the guildmaster.
- Adalberta thanks you for your timely assistance. Owing to your efforts, the guild can now fulfill an urgent order from a major client. With the guildmaster's praise still ringing in your ears, you continue along your chosen path.