Endwalker will be the fourth expansion for Final Fantasy XIV, after Shadowbringers. It is planned to be released in Fall 2021.
Endwalker will complete the Hydaelyn/Zodiark saga, and will begin a new saga.
- New jobs: Sage (Healer), ???? (Melee DPS).
- Level cap increase to 90
- Island Sanctuary
- New Locations: Radz-at-han (City), Thavnair, Garlemald, the Moon, and other unannounced areas.
- New Dungeons
- New Raids: Pandaemonium (8-player raid series), ???? (24-player alliance raid series)
- Both raid series will be FFXIV originals; they will not be crossovers.
- New Primal: Anima
- New Beastmen: Arkasodara
- New Trust NPC: Estinien
- Unspecified Gold Saucer update
- New Residential District: Ishgard
- New small-scale PvP mode
- Stat Squish
- Belts removed
- Data Center Travel
- PlayStation 5 version
- The PlayStation 5 version will offer better quality 4k HD graphics (Including user interface), much faster load times (Due to the SSD), and improved frame rates.
Additional information will be announced at the digital Fan Festival on May 15th and 16th, 2021.