Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All!

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Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All! is a Yo-kai Watch collaboration event that originally took place from July 26, 2016 to October 3, 2016. It ran a second time from September 3, 2017 to November 1, 2017. It will run for a third time from August 19, 2020 until the release of 5.4 with 4 additional Yo-kai minions and 4 new weapons.


  • The first minion you collect takes 1 medal. Minion 2-4 takes 3 medals each to obtain. Minion 5-7 takes 5 medals each to obtain. Minion 8-10 takes 7 medals each to obtain. Minion 11-13 takes 9 medals each to obtain. To buy all minions, you will need a total of 73 Yo-kai Medals.
  • You can obtain Legendary Yo-kai Medals by completing FATEs in the specific zones with Silver or Gold rating while having your Yo-kai Minions out. You do not need to have the Yo-kai Watch equipped. Each minion allows you to obtain Legendary Yo-kai Medals of that type. Check the FATE locations below for more details.
  • You can exchange the Legendary Yo-kai Medals for Yo-kai Weapons. Different medals correspond to different weapons. Each new weapon cost 2 more Legendary Yo-kai Medals than the previous, with the initial weapon costing 7 Legendary Medals.
  • In 2020, there are a total of 17 Yo-kai minions and 17 Yok-kai weapons. By obtaining 17 Yo-kai weapons, you will obtain the Jibanyan Couch mount

Yo-Kai Minions & Weapon Collecting

Obtain medals while wearing your newly obtained Yo-Kai Watch by obtaining a Silver or better rating in FATEs in certain areas according to the quest.

Minion Number of Medals
First Minion 1 Medal
Second Minion 3 Medals
Third Minion 3 Medals
Forth Minion 3 Medals
Fifth Minion 3 Medals
Sixth Minion 3 Medals
Seventh Minion 3 Medals
Eighth Minion 3 Medals
Ninth Minion 3 Medals
Tenth Minion 3 Medals
Eleventh Minion 3 Medals
Twelfth Minion 3 Medals
Thirteenth Minion 3 Medals
Fourteenth Minion 3 Medals
Fifteenth Minion 3 Medals
Sixteenth Minion 3 Medals
Seventeenth Minion 3 Medals

Obtain Legendary Medals by having the corresponding Yo-Kai minion summoned while obtaining a Silver or better rating in certain FATEs in the world.

Weapon Number of Legendary Medals
First Weapon 5 Legendary Medals
Second Weapon 10 Legendary Medals
Third Weapon 10 Legendary Medals
Forth Weapon 10 Legendary Medals
Fifth Weapon 10 Legendary Medals
Sixth Weapon 10 Legendary Medals
Seventh Weapon 10 Legendary Medals
Eighth Weapon 10 Legendary Medals
Ninth Weapon 10 Legendary Medals
Tenth Weapon 10 Legendary Medals
Eleventh Weapon 10 Legendary Medals
Twelfth Weapon 10 Legendary Medals
Thirteenth Weapon 10 Legendary Medals
Fourteenth Weapon 10 Legendary Medals
Fifteenth Weapon 10 Legendary Medals
Sixteenth Weapon 10 Legendary Medals
Seventeenth Weapon 10 Legendary Medals

Yo-kai Legendary Medals

New Legendary Medals

Legendary Medal FATE Locations
Lord Enma The Fringes, The Ruby Sea, Yanxia,

The Peaks, The Lochs, The Azim Steppe

Lord Ananta Coerthas Western Highlands, The Dravanian Forelands, The Dravanian Hinterlands,

The Churning Mists, The Sea of Clouds, Azys Lla

Zazel Coerthas Western Highlands, The Dravanian Forelands, The Dravanian Hinterlands,

The Churning Mists, The Sea of Clouds, Azys Lla

Damona The Fringes, The Ruby Sea, Yanxia,

The Peaks, The Lochs, The Azim Steppe

Previous Legendary Medals

Legendary Medal FATE Locations
Jibanyan Central Shroud, Lower La Noscea, Central Thanalan
Komasan East Shroud, Western La Noscea, Eastern Thanalan
USApyon Outer La Noscea, Middle La Noscea, Western Thanalan
Whisper South Shroud, Upper La Noscea, Southern Thanalan
Shogunyan East Shroud, Lower La Noscea, Central Thanalan
Hovernyan South Shroud, Western La Noscea, Eastern Thanalan
Komajiro Central Thanalan, East Shroud, Western La Noscea
Noko Southern Thanalan, North Shroud, Outer La Noscea
Venoct Western Thanalan, Middle La Noscea, Central Shroud
Kyubi Western Thanalan, Central Shroud, Lower La Noscea
Robonyan F-type Southern Thanalan, Upper La Noscea, North Shroud
Blizzaria North Shroud, Outer La Noscea, Middle La Noscea
Manjimutt Eastern Thanalan, South Shroud, Upper La Noscea

Yo-kai Minions

New Minions

Previous Minions

Yo-kai Weapons

New Weapons

Previous Weapons
