Build on the Stone

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Main Scenario Quest icon.png

Build on the Stone

Build on the Stone Image.png
Quest giver
The Solar (X:6, Y:6)
Quest line
Seventh Astral Era
Required items
1 Warburton's Journal Icon.png  Warburton's Journal
Experience 4,800
Gil 7,000
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestThe Gifted
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestStill Waters

Minfilia has a final favor to ask of you.

— In-game description





  • Minfilia's father, Warburton, was a Garlean spy whose true loyalties lay with the Ala Mhigan Resistance. Before his untimely death some fifteen years ago, he stole a wealth of imperial research on the primals, and compiled the findings in his private journal. Though this journal has served to guide Minfilia ever since, she has resolved -- after no small amount of soul-searching -- to entrust it to Urianger, in the hope that he may succeed in unraveling its remaining mysteries. Present Warburton's journal to Urianger on Minfilia's behalf.
  • By curious coincidence, Minfilia contacts you via linkpearl immediately after you deliver the journal to Urianger. She has departed for Revenant's Toll, and bids you follow as soon as you are able. Travel to Mor Dhona, and speak with Tataru inside the Seventh Heaven to gain entrance to the Rising Stones.
  • Tataru welcomes you as warmly as always, and assures you that the Scions' new headquarters will more than meet with your expectations. Take a moment to explore the Rising Stones, and speak with Minfilia when you are satisfied that you know your way around.
  • Even as the Scions of the Seventh Dawn celebrate the inauguration of their new headquarters, Urianger arrives unannounced, bearing troubling news. The distant yet dependable Students of Baldesion are no longer responding to his messages. Fearing the worst, Minfilia bids Urianger do everything he can to determine the cause of their uncharacteristic silence. For the time being, however, the Scions have no choice but to continue their work without the aid of one of their closest allies.