Cloud Coral
Revision as of 23:12, 30 May 2020 by Copiousfish (talk | contribs)
Template:Item-B1 Cloud Coral is a Bone material used to craft various items. This bone-white cliff-dwelling coral withstands the constant battering of the Sea of Clouds' winds by hiding within a lightweight, yet remarkably sturdy exoskeleton, emerging to feed only when the weather permits.
Obtained By
- Fishing - Coerthas Western Highlands - (Greytail Falls x35.1,y27)
- bait - Balloon Bug or Red Balloon
Used For
Crafting Ingredient
- Mythrite Earblades of Slaying (Level 52 Goldsmith)
- Mythrite Earblades of Aiming (Level 52 Goldsmith)
- Mythrite Earblades of Casting (Level 52 Goldsmith)
- Mythrite Earblades of Healing (Level 52 Goldsmith)
- Mythrite Earblades of Fending (Level 52 Goldsmith)
- Archaeoskin Boots of Striking (Level 51 Leatherworker)