Gambler's Attire

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Revision as of 00:47, 27 March 2020 by Divyrr Doghym (talk | contribs) (Added MGP cost to the table)
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A dapper ensemble tailored to resemble a certain blackjack-playing, world-traveling, casino-dwelling free spirit. One cannot help but feel the Spinner's luck while clad in these garments.

Set Includes:

Gambler's Attire
Icon Item Name Slot MGP Cost
Gamblers boots icon1.png Gambler's Boots Foot 30,000
Gamblers gloves icon1.png Gambler's Gloves Hand 30,000
Gamblers trenchcoat icon1.png Gambler's Trenchcoat Chest 100,000
Gamblers trousers icon1.png Gambler's Trousers Leg 40,000