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Revision as of 12:47, 21 February 2020 by Mico90 (talk | contribs)
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Token Exchange
Female ♀
Mor Dhona (22.7,6.7)

C'intana is a Miqo'te found in Mor Dhona.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver

Items For Sale

Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Ruby broadsword icon1.png   Ruby Broadsword Gladiator's Arm CBlue 80
Ruby totem icon1.png 7
Ruby cesti icon1.png   Ruby Cesti Pugilist's Arm CBlue 80
Ruby totem icon1.png 10
Ruby battleaxe icon1.png   Ruby Battleaxe Marauder's Arm CBlue 80
Ruby totem icon1.png 10
Ruby partisan icon1.png   Ruby Partisan Lancer's Arm CBlue 80
Ruby totem icon1.png 10
Ruby bow icon1.png   Ruby Bow Archer's Arm CBlue 80
Ruby totem icon1.png 10
Ruby daggers icon1.png   Ruby Daggers Rogue's Arm CBlue 80
Ruby totem icon1.png 10
Ruby greatsword icon1.png   Ruby Greatsword Dark Knight's Arm CBlue 80
Ruby totem icon1.png 10
Ruby knifelock icon1.png   Ruby Knifelock Machinist's Arm CBlue 80
Ruby totem icon1.png 10
Ruby cane icon1.png   Ruby Cane Two-handed Conjurer's Arm CBlue 80
Ruby totem icon1.png 10
Ruby rod icon1.png   Ruby Rod Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm CBlue 80
Ruby totem icon1.png 10
Ruby index icon1.png   Ruby Index Arcanist's Grimoire CBlue 80
Ruby totem icon1.png 10
Ruby codex icon1.png   Ruby Codex Scholar's Arm CBlue 80
Ruby totem icon1.png 10
Ruby astrometer icon1.png   Ruby Astrometer Astrologian's Arm CBlue 80
Ruby totem icon1.png 10
Ruby samurai blade icon1.png   Ruby Samurai Blade Samurai's Arm CBlue 80
Ruby totem icon1.png 10
Ruby hanger icon1.png   Ruby Hanger Red Mage's Arm CBlue 80
Ruby totem icon1.png 10
Ruby sawback icon1.png   Ruby Sawback Gunbreaker's Arm CBlue 80
Ruby totem icon1.png 10
Ruby chakrams icon1.png   Ruby Chakrams Dancer's Arm CBlue 80
Ruby totem icon1.png 10
Ruby scutum icon1.png   Ruby Scutum Shield CBlue 80
Ruby totem icon1.png 3

Additional Information