La Noscea
“La Noscea is the marine region located in the south-eastern part of Eorzea, Limsa Lominsa, one of the starting cities, is located in La Noscea.
The maritime metropolis is located in the south of the island Vylbrand that Aldenard precedes in the west, the Gulf of Rhotano.
Their patron deity is Llymlaen, the aerodrome controller, the goddess of seafarers.— In-game description
La Noscea is a region in Vylbrand.
Limsa Lominsa
- Main article: Limsa Lominsa
- See also: Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks
- See also: Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks
The starting city of marauders and arcanists. The city is also the location for the starting quests for rogues and dancers. The Culinarian, Armorsmith, and Blacksmith guilds make their home here.
Lower La Noscea
- Main article: Lower La Noscea
(Levels 1 - 14)
Borders: Limsa Lominsa, Middle La Noscea, Eastern La Noscea, Mist.
Ferry Links: Western La Noscea, Wolves' Den Pier
Aetheryte: Moraby Drydocks
Middle La Noscea
- Main article: Middle La Noscea
Eastern La Noscea
- Main article: Eastern La Noscea
Western La Noscea
- Main article: Western La Noscea
Outer La Noscea
- Main article: Outer La Noscea
Upper La Noscea
- Main article: Upper La Noscea
The Mist
- Main article: The Mist
Wolves' Den Pier
- Main article: Wolves' Den Pier