Calamity Salvager

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Template:NPC Infobox Calamity Salvager is a Male Elezen Vendor NPC introduced in patch 2.0. Calamity Salvager allows the player to re-acquire previously owned un-tradable items that the player may have discarded.

Locations and Quests

Location Coordinate Started Quests Involved in Quests
Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (x11,y14)
Old Gridania (x10,y8)
Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (x12.6,y13.1)

Items For Sale For Gil

Purchase Job Items (DoW)

Item Cost
Gallant Coronet 14,701
Temple Circlet 14,701
Fighter's Burgeonet 14,701
Drachen Armet 14,701
Choral Chapeau 14,701
Ninja Hatsuburi 14,701
Gallant Surcoat 26,952
Temple Cyclas 26,952
Fighter's Cuirass 26,952
Drachen Mail 26,952
Choral Shirt 26,952
Ninja Chainmail 26,952
Gallant Gauntlets 14,701
Temple Gloves 14,701
Fighter's Gauntlets 14,701
Drachen Gauntlets 14,701
Choral Ringbands 14,701
Ninja Tekko 14,701
Gallant Cuisses 24,502
Temple Gaskins 24,502
Fighter's Breeches 24,502
Drachen Breeches 24,502
Choral Tights 24,502
Ninja Hakama 24,502
Gallant Sollerets 14,701
Temple Boots 14,701
Fighter's Jackboots 14,701
Drachen Greaves 14,701
Choral Sandals 14,701
Ninja Kyahan 14,701

Purchase Job Items (DoM)

Item Cost
Healer's Circlet 14,701
Wizard's Petasos 14,701
Evoker's Horn 14,701
Scholar's Mortarboard 14,701
Healer's Robe 26,952
Wizard's Coat 26,952
Evoker's Doublet 26,952
Scholar's Gown 26,952
Healer's Gloves 14,701
Wizard's Gloves 14,701
Evoker's Ringbands 14,701
Scholar's Gloves 14,701
Healer's Culottes 24,502
Wizard's Tonban 24,502
Evoker's Waistclout 24,502
Scholar's Culottes 24,502
Healer's Boots 14,701
Wizard's Crakows 14,701
Evoker's Thighboots 14,701
Scholar's Boots 14,701

Purchase Quest Rewards (Arms)

Item Cost
Curtana 33,264
Sphairai 49,896
Bravura 49,896
Gae Bolg 49,896
Artemis Bow 49,896
Yoshimitsu 49,896
Thyrus 49,896
Stardust Rod 49,896
The Veil of Wiyu 49,896
Omnilex 49,896
Ullikummi Lucis 36,887
Ullikummi 19,602
Vulcan Lucis 36,887
Vulcan 19,602
Kurdalegon Lucis 36,887
Kurdalegon 19,602
Urcaguary Lucis 36,887
Urcaguary 19,602
Pinga Lucis 36,887
Pinga 19,602
Clotho Lucis 36,887
Clotho 19,602
Paracelsus Lucis 36,887
Paracelsus 19,602
Chantico Lucis 36,887
Chantico 19,602
Mammon Lucis 36,887
Mammon 19,602
Rauni Lucis 36,887
Rauni 19,602
Halcyon Rod Lucis 36,887
Halcyon Rod 19,602
Holy Shield 16,632
House Fortemps Kite Shield 104

Purchase Quest Rewards (Gear)

Item Cost
Scion Adventurer's Monocle 94
Inspector's Eyeglasses 2
Sable Death Mask 54
Monoa Mask 35
Mended Imperial Pot Helm 59
Postmoogle Cap 71
Custom-made Cuirass 283
Custom-made Scale Mail 243
Custom-made Shirt 162
Custom-made Tunic 202
Custom-made Robe of Casting 162
Custom-made Robe of Healing 162
Scion Adventurer's Jacket 156
Scholasticate Coat 2
Alpine Coat 59
Mended Imperial Short Robe 59
Manderville Coatee 59
Sylvan Silk Belt 827
Star-spangled Subligar 489
Scion Adventurer's Bottoms 156
Manderville Bottoms 45
Scion Adventurer's Boots 94
Dress Shoes 48
Voice of the Just 66
Redbill Scarf 2
Dawn Wristguards 555
Meteor Survivor Ring 3,393
Lominsan Ring 360
Gridanian Ring 360
Ul'dahn Ring 360

Purchase Achievement Rewards (Gear) I

Item Cost
Butcher's Crown 11,205
Paragon's Crown 11,205
Chronicler's Crown 11,205
Gambler's Crown 11,205
Partisan's Crown 9,338
Paragon's Gown 8,494
Chocobo Suit 1,980
Crimson Standard Earrings 7,318
Lily and Serpent Earrings 7,318
Tipping Scales Earrings 7,318
Crimson Standard Bracelet 10,672
Lily and Serpent Bracelet 10,672
Tipping Scales Bracelet 10,672
Master Gladiator's Ring 6,534
Master Pugilist's Ring 6,534
Master Marauder's Ring 6,534
Master Lancer's Ring 6,534
Master Archer's Ring 6,534
Master Rogue's Ring 6,534
Master Conjurer's Ring 6,534
Master Thaumaturge's Ring 6,534
Master Arcanist's Ring 6,534
Master Carpenter's Ring 6,534
Master Blacksmith's Ring 6,534
Master Armorer's Ring 6,534
Master Goldsmith's Ring 6,534
Master Leatherworker's Ring 6,534
Master Weaver's Ring 6,534
Master Alchemist's Ring 6,534
Master Culinarian's Ring 6,534
Master Miner's Ring 6,534
Master Botanist's Ring 6,534
Master Fisher's Ring 6,534
Crimson Standard Ring 7,840
Lily and Serpent Ring 7,840
Tipping Scales Ring 7,840

Purchase Achievement Rewards (Gear) II

Item Cost
Blessed Millkeep's Saw 30,000
Saw of the Luminary 19,602
Blessed Forgekeep's Hammer 30,000
Hammer of the Luminary 19,602
Blessed Hammerkeep's Beetle 30,000
Mallet of the Luminary 19,602
Blessed Gemkeep's Mallet 30,000
Gavel of the Luminary 19,602
Blessed Hidekeep's Knife 30,000
Knife of the Luminary 19,602
Blessed Boltkeep's Needle 30,000
Needle of the Luminary 19,602
Blessed Cauldronkeep's Alembic 30,000
Alembic of the Luminary 19,602
Blessed Galleykeep's Frypan 30,000
Pan of the Luminary 19,602
Blessed Minekeep's Pickaxe 30,000
Pick of the Luminary 19,602
Blessed Fieldkeep's Hatchet 30,000
Axe of the Luminary 19,602
Blessed Tacklekeep's Rod 30,000
Ironworks Fishing Rod 4,752
Rod of the Luminary 19,602
Maelstrom Escutcheon 299
Twin Adder Escutcheon 299
Immortal Flames Escutcheon 299
Field Commander's Helm 41,912
Warlord's Crown 27,165
Dragon Monocle 117
Racing Chocobo Mask 74
Expeditioner's Flyers 94
Field Commander's Coat 29,652
The Best Gown Ever 8,494
Field Commander's Gloves 21,288
Field Commander's Slops 22,809
Field Commander's Boots 30,412

Purchase Paladin Garo Gear

Item Cost
The Fanged Wolf 1,500
The Face of the Golden Wolf 1,000
The Body of the Golden Wolf 2,000
The Hands of the Golden Wolf 1,000
The Legs of the Golden Wolf 2,000
The Feet of the Golden Wolf 1,000

Purchase Warrior Garo Gear

Item Cost
Darkness 2,000
The Face of Undying Twilight 1,000
The Body of Undying Twilight 2,000
The Hands of Undying Twilight 1,000
The Legs of Undying Twilight 2,000
The Feet of Undying Twilight 1,000

Purchase Dark Knight Garo Gear

Item Cost
Hell Light 2,000
The Face of Pressing Darkness 1,000
The Body of Pressing Darkness 2,000
The Hands of Pressing Darkness 1,000
The Legs of Pressing Darkness 2,000
The Feet of Pressing Darkness 1,000

Purchase Monk Garo Gear

Item Cost
Makai Fists 2,000
Makai Mauler's Facemask 1,000
Makai Manhandler's Facemask 1,000
Makai Mauler's Oilskin 2,000
Makai Manhandler's Jerkin 2,000
Makai Mauler's Fingerless Gloves 1,000
Makai Manhandler's Fingerless Gloves 1,000
Makai Mauler's Leggings 2,000
Makai Manhandler's Quartertights 2,000
Makai Mauler's Boots 1,000
Makai Manhandler's Longboots 1,000

Purchase Dragoon Garo Gear

Item Cost
The White Night 2,000
The Face of the White Night 1,000
The Body of the White Night 2,000
The Hands of the White Night 1,000
The Legs of the White Night 2,000
The Feet of the White Night 1,000

Purchase Ninja Garo Gear

Item Cost
Silver Wolves 2,000
The Face of the Silver Wolf 1,000
The Body of the Silver Wolf 2,000
The Hands of the Silver Wolf 1,000
The Legs of the Silver Wolf 2,000
The Feet of the Silver Wolf 1,000

Purchase Bard Garo Gear

Item Cost
Makai Bow 2,000
Makai Marksman's Eyepatch 1,000
Makai Markswoman's Ribbon 1,000
Makai Marksman's Battlegarb 2,000
Makai Markswoman's Battledress 2,000
Makai Marksman's Fingerless Gloves 1,000
Makai Markswoman's Fingerless Gloves 1,000
Makai Marksman's Slops 2,000
Makai Markswoman's Quartertights 2,000
Makai Marksman's Boots 1,000
Makai Markswoman's Longboots 1,000

Purchase Machinist Garo Gear

Item Cost
Makai Hand Mortar 2,000
Makai Marksman's Eyepatch 1,000
Makai Markswoman's Ribbon 1,000
Makai Marksman's Battlegarb 2,000
Makai Markswoman's Battledress 2,000
Makai Marksman's Fingerless Gloves 1,000
Makai Markswoman's Fingerless Gloves 1,000
Makai Marksman's Slops 2,000
Makai Markswoman's Quartertights 2,000
Makai Marksman's Boots 1,000
Makai Markswoman's Longboots 1,000

Purchase Black Mage Garo Gear

Item Cost
Mado Brush 2,000
Makai Priest's Coronet 1,000
Makai Priestess's Headdress 1,000
Makai Priest's Doublet Robe 2,000
Makai Priestess's Jerkin 2,000
Makai Priest's Fingerless Gloves 1,000
Makai Priestess's Fingerless Gloves 1,000
Makai Priest's Slops 2,000
Makai Priestess's Skirt 2,000
Makai Priest's Boots 1,000
Makai Priestess's Longboots 1,000

Purchase Summoner Garo Gear

Item Cost
Mado Chronicle 2,000
Makai Priest's Coronet 1,000
Makai Priestess's Headdress 1,000
Makai Priest's Doublet Robe 2,000
Makai Priestess's Jerkin 2,000
Makai Priest's Fingerless Gloves 1,000
Makai Priestess's Fingerless Gloves 1,000
Makai Priest's Slops 2,000
Makai Priestess's Skirt 2,000
Makai Priest's Boots 1,000
Makai Priestess's Longboots 1,000

Purchase White Mage Garo Gear

Item Cost
Mado Staff 2,000
Makai Sun Guide's Circlet 1,000
Makai Moon Guide's Circlet 1,000
Makai Sun Guide's Oilskin 2,000
Makai Moon Guide's Gown 2,000
Makai Sun Guide's Fingerless Gloves 1,000
Makai Moon Guide's Fingerless Gloves 1,000
Makai Sun Guide's Slops 2,000
Makai Moon Guide's Quartertights 2,000
Makai Sun Guide's Boots 1,000
Makai Moon Guide's Longboots 1,000

Purchase Scholar Garo Gear

Item Cost
Makai Chronicle 2,000
Makai Sun Guide's Circlet 1,000
Makai Moon Guide's Circlet 1,000
Makai Sun Guide's Oilskin 2,000
Makai Moon Guide's Gown 2,000
Makai Sun Guide's Fingerless Gloves 1,000
Makai Moon Guide's Fingerless Gloves 1,000
Makai Sun Guide's Slops 2,000
Makai Moon Guide's Quartertights 2,000
Makai Sun Guide's Boots 1,000
Makai Moon Guide's Longboots 1,000

Purchase Astrologian Garo Gear

Item Cost
Mado Sphere 2,000
Makai Sun Guide's Circlet 1,000
Makai Moon Guide's Circlet 1,000
Makai Sun Guide's Oilskin 2,000
Makai Moon Guide's Gown 2,000
Makai Sun Guide's Fingerless Gloves 1,000
Makai Moon Guide's Fingerless Gloves 1,000
Makai Sun Guide's Slops 2,000
Makai Moon Guide's Quartertights 2,000
Makai Sun Guide's Boots 1,000
Makai Moon Guide's Longboots 1,000

Items For Sale For Currency


Item Cost
1 Doctore's Scimitar 1 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Ironworks Magitek Sword 1 Ironworks Magitek Shield
5 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Hellfire Blade 1 Hellfire Shield
5 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Doctore's Hora 1 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Ironworks Magitek Jamadhars 5 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Hellfire Claws 5 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Doctore's Bill 1 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Ironworks Magitek Axe 5 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Hellfire Battleaxe 5 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Doctore's Fork 1 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Ironworks Magitek Spear 5 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Slipstream Partisan 5 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Doctore's Armored Bow 1 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Ironworks Magitek Bow 5 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Torrent Longbow 5 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Doctore's Stilettos 1 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Ironworks Magitek Daggers 5 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Torrent Kris 5 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Hellfire Guillotine 5 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Torrent Musketoon 5 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Doctore's Crook 1 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Ironworks Magitek Cane 5 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Hailstorm Cane 5 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Doctore's Cudgel 1 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Ironworks Magitek Rod 5 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Hailstorm Rod 5 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Doctore's Grimoire 1 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Ironworks Magitek Grimoire 5 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Ironworks Magitek Codex 5 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Hailstorm Grimoire 5 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Hailstorm Codex 5 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Hailstorm Astrometer 5 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Warded Round Shield 1 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Nightprowler's Targe 1 Silver Chocobo Feather


Item Cost
1 Veil of Eternal Innocence 1 Gloves of Eternal Innocence
1 Veil of Eternal Passion 1 Gloves of Eternal Passion
1 Veil of Eternal Devotion 1 Gloves of Eternal Devotion
1 Foestriker's Tabard 1 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Acolyte's Robe 1 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Guardian Corps Coat 1 Bohemian's Coat
1 Bohemian's Coat 1 Guardian Corps Coat
1 Abes Jacket 1 Dream of the Fayth
1 High Summoner's Dress 2 Dream of the Fayth
1 Lord's Yukata (Blue) 1 Lady's Yukata (Red)
1 Lord's Yukata (Green) 1 Lady's Yukata (Blue)
1 Lord's Yukata (Grey) 1 Lady's Yukata (Black)
1 Lady's Yukata (Red) 1 Lord's Yukata (Blue)
1 Lady's Yukata (Blue) 1 Lord's Yukata (Green)
1 Lady's Yukata (Black) 1 Lord's Yukata (Grey)
1 Red Summer Top 1 Red Summer Halter
1 Green Summer Top 1 Green Summer Halter
1 Blue Summer Top 1 Blue Summer Halter
1 Solar Summer Top 1 Solar Summer Halter
1 Lunar Summer Top 1 Lunar Summer Halter
1 Red Summer Halter 1 Red Summer Top
1 Green Summer Halter 1 Green Summer Top
1 Blue Summer Halter 1 Blue Summer Top
1 Solar Summer Halter 1 Solar Summer Top
1 Lunar Summer Halter 1 Lunar Summer Top
1 Summer Evening Top 1 Summer Morning Halter
1 Striped Summer Top 1 Striped Summer Halter
1 Summer Morning Halter 1 Summer Evening Top
1 Striped Summer Halter 1 Striped Summer Top
1 Black Summer Top 1 Black Summer Halter
1 Black Summer Halter 1 Black Summer Top
1 Valentione Apron 1 Valentione Apron Dress
1 Valentione Apron Dress 1 Valentione Apron
1 Lord's Yukata (Blackflame) 1 Lady's Yukata (Redfly)
1 Lord's Yukata (Whiteflame) 1 Lady's Yukata (Bluefly)
1 Lord's Yukata (Blueflame) 1 Lady's Yukata (Pinkfly)
1 Lady's Yukata (Redfly) 1 Lord's Yukata (Blackflame)
1 Lady's Yukata (Bluefly) 1 Lord's Yukata (Whiteflame)
1 Lady's Yukata (Pinkfly) 1 Lord's Yukata (Blueflame)
1 Tailcoat of Eternal Innocence 1 Gown of Eternal Innocence
1 Tailcoat of Eternal Passion 1 Gown of Eternal Passion
1 Tailcoat of Eternal Devotion 1 Gown of Eternal Devotion
1 Gown of Eternal Innocence 1 Tailcoat of Eternal Innocence
1 Gown of Eternal Passion 1 Tailcoat of Eternal Passion
1 Gown of Eternal Devotion 1 Tailcoat of Eternal Devotion
1 Southern Seas Vest 1 Southern Seas Swimsuit
1 Southern Seas Swimsuit 1 Southern Seas Vest
1 Striped Southern Seas Vest 1 Striped Southern Seas Swimsuit
1 Striped Southern Seas Swimsuit 1 Striped Southern Seas Vest
1 Lord's Suikan 1 Lady's Suikan
1 Lady's Suikan 1 Lord's Suikan
1 Ironworks Armor of Fending 1 Ironworks Trousers of Fending
5 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Ironworks Cuirass of Maiming 1 Ironworks Hose of Maiming
5 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Ironworks Cuirass of Striking 1 Ironworks Hose of Striking
5 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Ironworks Corselet of Aiming 1 Ironworks Brais of Aiming
5 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Ironworks Corselet of Scouting 1 Ironworks Brais of Scouting
5 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Ironworks Doublet of Casting 1 Ironworks Breeches of Casting
5 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Ironworks Robe of Healing 1 Ironworks Slops of Healing
5 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Hellfire Armor of Fending 1 Hellfire Breeches of Fending
5 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Slipstream Mail of Maiming 1 Slipstream Breeches of Maiming
5 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Hellfire Mail of Striking 1 Hellfire Breeches of Striking
5 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Torrent Tabard of Aiming 1 Torrent Tights of Aiming
5 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Torrent Tabard of Scouting 1 Torrent Tights of Scouting
5 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Hailstorm Coat of Casting 1 Hailstorm Bottoms of Casting
5 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Hailstorm Coat of Healing 1 Hailstorm Bottoms of Healing
5 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Foestriker's Mitts 1 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Acolyte's Halfgloves 1 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Guardian Corps Gauntlets 1 Bohemian's Gloves
1 Bohemian's Gloves 1 Guardian Corps Gauntlets
1 Abes Gloves 1 Dream of the Fayth
1 High Summoner's Armlets 1 Dream of the Fayth
1 Gloves of Eternal Innocence 1 Veil of Eternal Innocence
1 Gloves of Eternal Passion 1 Veil of Eternal Passion
1 Gloves of Eternal Devotion 1 Veil of Eternal Devotion
1 Foestriker's Skirt 1 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Acolyte's Skirt 1 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Guardian Corps Skirt 1 Bohemian's Trousers
1 Bohemian's Trousers 1 Guardian Corps Skirt
1 Abes Halfslops 1 Dream of the Fayth
1 Lord's Drawers (Black) 1 Lady's Knickers (Black)
1 Lord's Drawers (White) 1 Lady's Knickers (White)
1 Lord's Drawers (Gold) 1 Lady's Knickers (Gold)
1 Lady's Knickers (Black) 1 Lord's Drawers (Black)
1 Lady's Knickers (White) 1 Lord's Drawers (White)
1 Lady's Knickers (Gold) 1 Lord's Drawers (Gold)
1 Red Summer Trunks 1 Red Summer Tanga
1 Green Summer Trunks 1 Green Summer Tanga
1 Blue Summer Trunks 1 Blue Summer Tanga
1 Solar Summer Trunks 1 Solar Summer Tanga
1 Lunar Summer Trunks 1 Lunar Summer Tanga
1 Red Summer Tanga 1 Red Summer Trunks
1 Green Summer Tanga 1 Green Summer Trunks
1 Blue Summer Tanga 1 Blue Summer Trunks
1 Solar Summer Tanga 1 Solar Summer Trunks
1 Lunar Summer Tanga 1 Lunar Summer Trunks
1 Summer Evening Trunks 1 Summer Morning Tanga
1 Striped Summer Trunks 1 Striped Summer Tanga
1 Summer Morning Tanga 1 Summer Evening Trunks
1 Striped Summer Tanga 1 Striped Summer Trunks
1 Black Summer Trunks 1 Black Summer Tanga
1 Black Summer Tanga 1 Black Summer Trunks
1 Valentione Trousers 1 Valentione Skirt
1 Valentione Skirt 1 Valentione Trousers
1 Slacks of Eternal Innocence 1 Tights of Eternal Innocence
1 Slacks of Eternal Passion 1 Tights of Eternal Passion
1 Slacks of Eternal Devotion 1 Tights of Eternal Devotion
1 Tights of Eternal Innocence 1 Slacks of Eternal Innocence
1 Tights of Eternal Passion 1 Slacks of Eternal Passion
1 Tights of Eternal Devotion 1 Slacks of Eternal Devotion
1 Southern Seas Trunks 1 Southern Seas Tanga
1 Southern Seas Tanga 1 Southern Seas Trunks
1 Foestriker's Boots 1 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Acolyte's Thighboots 1 Silver Chocobo Feather
1 Guardian Corps Boots 1 Bohemian's Boots
1 Bohemian's Boots 1 Guardian Corps Boots
1 Abes Boots 1 Dream of the Fayth
1 High Summoner's Boots 1 Dream of the Fayth
1 Lord's Clogs 1 Lady's Clogs
1 Lady's Clogs 1 Lord's Clogs
1 Boots of Eternal Innocence 1 Bootlets of Eternal Innocence
1 Boots of Eternal Passion 1 Bootlets of Eternal Passion
1 Boots of Eternal Devotion 1 Bootlets of Eternal Devotion
1 Bootlets of Eternal Innocence 1 Boots of Eternal Innocence
1 Bootlets of Eternal Passion 1 Boots of Eternal Passion
1 Bootlets of Eternal Devotion 1 Boots of Eternal Devotion
1 Little Lord's Clogs 1 Little Lady's Clogs
1 Little Lady's Clogs 1 Little Lord's Clogs


Item Cost
5 Pure White Dye 1 Gold Chocobo Feather
5 Jet Black Dye 1 Gold Chocobo Feather
5 Pastel Pink Dye 1 Gold Chocobo Feather
5 Pastel Green Dye 1 Gold Chocobo Feather
5 Pastel Blue Dye 1 Gold Chocobo Feather
5 Pastel Purple Dye 1 Gold Chocobo Feather
5 Metallic Silver Dye 1 Gold Chocobo Feather
5 Metallic Gold Dye 1 Gold Chocobo Feather
1 Amber Draught Chocobo Whistle 8 Gold Chocobo Feather
1 Twintania Neurolink Key 15 Gold Chocobo Feather
10 Aetheryte Ticket 1 Gold Chocobo Feather