Seigetsu the Enlightened
Seigetsu the Enlightened
“Rank 3 To think that this place shall be remembered by future scholars as the birthplace of the Namazu renaissance... Pardon me, I need a moment to collect my thoughts. A new era is upon us, and I must be at my most enlightened to greet it! Rank 4 Though much work doubtless lies ahead of us, the aetheryte has already doubled─nay, tripled─the respectability of our festival. No one could possibly take us for uncultured with such an impressive symbol of civilization towering over the grounds! Rank 5 As I continue my scholarly pursuits, I find myself becoming ever more enlightened. I fear that it will be increasingly difficult not to intimidate those of lesser intellect. Ah, how tragic it is to be cursed with such genius! Rank 7 As soon as I got my fins on Master Matoya's manuscript, I read it from cover to cover. Not only are the rituals detailed therein fascinating, the writing is superlative. I find myself inspired!
Previously known as Gyofun.
This NPC is found in multiple locations. The map below shows where the NPC is first encountered.
— In-game description
Seigetsu the Enlightened is a Namazu in The Azim Steppe.