Mor Dhona
Mor Dhona
- Type
- Zone
- Zone
- Mor Dhona
(Aldenard) - Connects to
- Northern Thanalan (SW)
Coerthas Central Highlands (NE) - Aetherytes
- Revenant's Toll (X:22.2, Y:7.9)
“Alongside the shores of Silvertear Lake, Mor Dhona lies very close to the center of Aldenard. As a key land route blessed with breathtaking scenery, the area once featured a lively collection of inns. During the Battle of Silvertear Skies, however, an extreme aetherial surge swept through the landscape transforming much of it into pure crystal. Though the cause remains a topic of discussion amongst scholars, the phenomenon was indisputably destructive, and now the place is a wasteland shrouded in mephitic mists.
— In-game description
Mor Dhona is a zone in Mor Dhona.
Mor Dhona is a zone in Mor Dhona.
- Coerthas Central Highlands (x23,y6)
- Northern Thanalan (x13, y19)
- The Rising Stones (x21, y8)
Weather Conditions
The only Aetheryte is located at Revenant's Toll. (x22, y8)
Camp Revenant's Toll
Castrum Centri
Cid's Workshop
Revenant's Toll
Rowena's House of Splendors
The Deep Tangle
The Diamond Forge
The Seventh Heaven
The Tangle
North Silvertear
Singing Shards
The North Shards
The Eight Sentinels
Crystal Tower
The Rising Stones
The Solar
Dungeons and Trials
- Labyrinth of the Ancients (x35,y20)
- Syrcus Tower (x35,y20)
- Revenant's Toll (x22,y8)
- Saint Coinach's Find (x30,y12)
- Nix (x??,y??), (x??,y??)
- Mudpuppy (x??,y??), (x??,y??)
- Morbol (x??,y??), (x??,y??)
- 5th Cohort Eques (x??,y??), (x??,y??)
- 5th Cohort Hoplomachus (x??,y??), (x??,y??)
- 5th Cohort Laquearius (x??,y??), (x??,y??)
- 5th Cohort Signifer (x??,y??), (x??,y??)
- 5th Cohort Secutor (x??,y??), (x??,y??)
- 5th Cohort Vanguard (x??,y??), (x??,y??)
- Daring Harrier (x??,y??), (x??,y??)
- Hexing Harrier (x??,y??), (x??,y??)
- Raging Harrier (x??,y??), (x??,y??)
- Plasmoid (x??,y??), (x??,y??)
- Lightning Sprite (x??,y??), (x??,y??)
- Lake Cobra (x??,y??), (x??,y??)
- Hippogryph (x??,y??), (x??,y??)
- Hapalit (x??,y??), (x??,y??)
- Gigas Bhikkhu (x??,y??), (x??,y??)
- Gigas Bonze (x??,y??), (x??,y??)
- Gigas Shramana (x??,y??), (x??,y??)
- Gigas Sozu (x??,y??), (x??,y??)
- Leech King (x??,y??), (x??,y??)
- Kurrea (x??,y??), (x??,y??)
- Agrippa The Mighty (x??,y??), (x??,y??)
Mor Dhona is an inland region of Eorzea, and the site of the first aerial battle in recorded history—a conflict that took place above Silvertear Lake. In the Year 1562 of the Sixth Astral Era, five years after the invasion of Ala Mhigo, the Garlean Empire finally rose from apparent inactivity to resume its attack on Eorzea. A fleet of airships was deployed to Mor Dhona, led by the massive flagship Agrius.
As the imperial fleet advanced into the skies above Silvertear Lake, the largest inland body of water in Aldenard, it was met with a wholly unexpected sight. Midgardsormr, the dragon deity of the lake, had arisen, summoned by a hand unknown. And as if to answer the mighty wyrm's call, a host of dragons flew in from the northwestern reaches of Dravania and fell upon the Empire's forces. The air was filled with the deafening roars of cannons and dragonkin alike. Locked in a deadly embrace, the thunderous impact of Midgardsormr and the dreadnought Agrius tolled their mutual demise. Thus ended the Battle of Silvertear Skies.
Even now, the carcass of the immense wyrm lies entwined with the wreckage of the Agrius in the center of the lake, a towering monument to the ferocity of the conflict. Ever since that day, the lands of Eorzea have continued an inexorable fall into chaos...[1]