Gaius van Baelsar

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Gaius van Baelsar

Gaius van Baelsar.jpg

Legatus of the XIVth Imperial LegionViceroy of Ala MhigoThe Black Wolf
Male ♂
[[The Howling Eye

Northern Thanalan]] (00,00)

Quest NPC

"He who cannot preserve the sovereignty of his nation is unfit to rule it."

Legatus of the XIVth Imperial Legion, Gaius is a pure-blooded Garlean of fifty-six summers possessed of a natural flair for wartime command, perhaps equaled only by his sensibilities as a governing administrator. Known as the Black Wolf, his many accomplishments include the conquest and political assimilation of five enemy cities. In subjugating Ala Mhigo, he employed subterfuge to stoke the fires of civil unrest, a masterstroke which led to the nation's capture without the need for a protracted siege. Though he remained in Ala Mhigo as the imperial viceroy, he began to move against Eorzea again shortly following the Calamity. Gaius fights as would become a hero of the Empire, valiantly wielding Terminus Est, a most difficult and deadly battle technique. Heirsbane: Midas nan Garlond sent Heirsbane to his dear friend Gaius when the latter attained the rank of legatus. The gunblade is said to have spilled the blood of nine aspirants to the crown in times past.

— In-game description

 Property "Located in" (as page type) with input value "The Howling Eye   </br>Northern Thanalan" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.Gaius van Baelsar is a Garlean found in [[The Howling Eye   

Northern Thanalan]].

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Casing the Castrum Main Scenario quest 44 Y'shtola
Escape from Castrum Centri Main Scenario quest 46 Cid
Lady of the Vortex Main Scenario quest 44 Cid
Operation Archon Main Scenario quest 49 Minfilia Warde
The Gridanian Envoy Main Scenario quest 15 Kan-E-Senna
The Lominsan Envoy Main Scenario quest 15 Merlwyb
The Ul'dahn Envoy Main Scenario quest 15 Raubahn
The Ultimate Weapon Main Scenario quest 50 Raubahn

Additional Information