Ishgardian Astrologian

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Ishgardian Astrologian

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Male ♂
Elezen (Wildwood)
Mor Dhona (18.2,17.6)
Quest NPC

Pardon me, but might you be headed north towards Camp Dragonhead? If you are, I have a proposition. I am an astrologian employed at the Observatorium. I must hurry these readings to a courier in the camp so that he might deliver them to the archbishop. Under normal circumstances, a knight of House Durendaire would accompany me, but those stationed at the Observatory had to make for the Nail to intercept a band of crazed giants come down from the mountain to raid our kitchens and steal our women. And therefore, I must ask you to accompany me.

— In-game description

Ishgardian Astrologian is an Elezen found in Mor Dhona.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Ewer Right Job quest 45 Jannequinard