Built to Last (Quest)
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Moogle Daily Quest
- Speak with the mindful moogle.
- Speak with the methodical moogle.
- Obtain petrified birch logs from Ohl Tahn.
- Deliver the petrified birch logs to the methodical moogle.
- Synthesize a water filter component.
- Deliver the water filter component to the helpmeet moogle.
- Report to Mogek the Marvelous.
- Mogek has a message for you.
- The Mogmenders have begun work on a fountain for Bahrr Lehs, and as Mogek tells it, the moogle in charge has asked for you by name. Mogek insists you leave immediately to see what he would ask of you.
- The Mogmenders would ensure the fountain will last for centuries to come before they proceed with construction. To this end, they have taken it upon themselves to closely examine the Lost Landlord to better understand how it remains in such pristine condition. You are asked to speak with their head researcher and learn more about his findings.
- The methodical moogle tells you that, while it is possible to build a new fountain in the same manner as the Lost Landlord, it requires an immaculate water filter to keep the water clean. For this he requires petrified birch logs from Ohl Tahn.
- You scour the harsh terrain of Ohl Tahn and gather three petrified birch logs. Take them to the methodical moogle to learn how he plans to use them in the fountain.
- You hand over the logs which are then pulverized into a fine powder. As you begin work on a component for the fountain, the moogle researcher explains the powder mixed with other reagents will prevent corrosion and leakage. When you finish he asks that you leave the component with his helper.
- You craft the component with ease and hand it over to his moogle assistant for safekeeping until construction begins. Head back to Bahrr Lehs and inform Mogek of another job well done.
- You return to a warm welcome from Mogek. He is certain the fountain will last no less than three millennia thanks to your contributions.