Holminster Switch

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Revision as of 22:22, 29 June 2019 by Sietod (talk | contribs)
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Forgiven Dissonance

Pillory - Tank buster

Brazen Bull: Summons four orbs who do line damage

Thumbscrew: During Brazen Bull line AoE from boss; dodge

Wooden Horse; During last 25% summons second set of Brazen Bull

The Path of Light: Groupwide non-dodgeable damage

<Spoiler> The Forgiven

the tickler: tank buster

scold's bridle: Groupwide AoE

fevered flagellation - Assigned a number, goes from 1-4 dealing damage to everyone on the way

Exorcise - stack AoE, also drops 5 persistent puddles on the ground

Lightwarden Philia


Scavenger's Daughter - Groupwide Aoe

Headcrusher: Tank buster

Pendulum: Jumps in the indication direction then back to middle which does a distance AoE

Chain Down: Fetters a target and creates an iron chain that must be killed

Aethersup: During chain down; OHKO if someone is hit

Left Knout: Left side of boss full arena attack

Right Knout: Right side of boss full arena attack

Taphephobia: Player centered AoE - Spread

Into the light: Line shot stack AoE

fierce beating- Indicates direction enemy is turning, starts as one line AoE and then spins, doing line damage as the boss goes. Tail also creates an indicative attack that must be dodged