Aetherflow & Trance Gauge

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Aetherflow & Trance Gauge is Summoner's Job Gauge.

Aetherflow Gauge in PvE

Upon learning the action Energy Drain, the Aetherflow Gauge will be displayed. Using Energy Drain will fill the Aetherflow Gauge, which is required to execute certain actions such as Fester (acquired at level 18) and Bane (acquired at level 30).

Aetherflow gauge summoner pve1.png

Simple Mode

Aetherflow gauge summoner pve simple mode1.png

Trance Gauge in PvE

Trance gauge pve11.png

Trance gauge pve22.png

Trance gauge pve33.png

Trance gauge pve44.png

Simple Mode

Trance gauge pve simple mode11.png

Trance gauge pve simple mode22.png

Trance gauge pve simple mode33.png

Aetherflow Gauge in PvP

Using Energy Drain will fill the Aetherflow Gauge, which is required to execute Fester, Summon Bahamut, and Summon Phoenix.

Aetherflow gauge summoner pvp1.png

Simple Mode

Aetherflow gauge summoner pvp simple mode1.png

Trance Gauge in PvP

The Trance Gauge will indicate the time remaining until either Demi-Bahamut or Demi-Phoenix must return.

Trance gauge pvp1.png

Using Summon Bahamut will call forth Demi-Bahamut, illuminating the Trance Gauge.

Trance gauge pvp2.png

When Demi-Bahamut returns, the gauge's appearance will change, indicating Demi-Phoenix can be summoned after accumulating the requisite units of Aetherflow.

Trance gauge pvp3.png

Using Summon Phoenix will call forth Demi-Phoenix, illuminating the Trance Gauge. When Demi-Phoenix returns, the gauge will change once more, indicating you can summon Demi-Bahamut.

Trance gauge pvp4.png

Simple Mode

Trance gauge pvp simple mode1.png Summon Bahamut

Trance gauge pvp simple mode2.png Demi-Phoenix