Death of a Mailman
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Delivery Moogle Quest
- Deliver the letter to Raya-O-Senna.
- Deliver the letter to the deputy postmoogle.
- Wait at Little Solace.
- Look for the deputy postmoogle near the Hawthorne Hut.
- Rescue the deputy postmoogle.
- The deputy postmoogle's trust in you must surely grow, for a letter between Seedseers is serious business indeed.
- The deputy postmoogle has tasked you with an important delivery. Place the missive given to you in the hands of Raya-O-Senna in Camp Tranquil, and ask not what message it contains.
- Letters between Padjals are no biscuit recipes as a rule, and this one is no exception. The sender himself appears on the scene, and A-Ruhn-Senna and Raya-O-Senna rope you into a convoluted scheme to stage an intervention for the deputy postmoogle. But first, the bait in the form of another letter must be delivered to the postmoogle outside Bulwark Hall on the lower decks of Limsa Lominsa.
- The bait has been delivered to the deputy postmoogle, who after much hemming, hawing, and kupoing agrees to meet with you-- and unbeknownst to him, the Seedseers-- near Little Solace in the East Shroud.
- You arrive on the scene to find no trace of the dutiful postmoogle, much to your surprise. What could have prevented him from honoring the rendezvous? There are some fell things in the forest, especially on the path between Little Solace and the Hawthorne Hut. Looksharp, for whatever keeps the postmoogle from his duty will have no love for his assistant.
- A wounded thing always draws predators, and thus it is with the postmoogle. Have no mercy for the fell things that seek to make a meal of your mentor.
- The postmoogle's secret was one of great pathos, as secrets desperately guarded are wont to be. A windmill sail had all but incapacitated the poor letter carrier, but a man who dashesa moogle's hopes shall ever burn in the seventh hell. What can one do but carry on the moogle's work, mentor more carriers, and pray? By the grace of the Twelve, may the Padjals find healing for his battered little body...