Red Mage Macros

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Revision as of 22:05, 29 January 2019 by Fumbles (talk | contribs)
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See also: Red Mage


NOTE: For optimal DPS, you always want to cast a "verquick" spell--Jolt, Impact, Verstone, or Verfire--followed immediately by a Dual-cast-buffed "verslow" spell--Veraero or Verthunder.

Neutral Magic Macro

  • /macroicon "impact"
  • /macroerror off
  • /ac "Impact" <t>
  • /ac "Jolt II" <t>
  • /ac "Jolt" <t>

This macro uses Impact when ever it's available. Otherwise it will use Jolt/Jolt II.

Black Magic Macro

  • /macroicon "Verfire"
  • /macroerror off
  • /ac "Verfire" <t>
  • /ac "Impact" <t>
  • /ac "Jolt II" <t>
  • /ac "Jolt" <t>

This macro uses your most powerful Black magic "verquick" spell available by first checking if Verfire is available, then Impact, then Jolt--your weakest verquick spell--at the highest level available (useful for when you are synced to a lower level). For optimal DPS, follow this up with a "verslow" spell, such as Veraero or Verthunder. If you prefer this strictly boost ONLY Black magic, remove the line with Impact from your macro.

White Magic Macro

  • /macroicon "Verstone"
  • /macroerror off
  • /ac "Verstone" <t>
  • /ac "Impact" <t>
  • /ac "Jolt II" <t>
  • /ac "Jolt" <t>

This macro uses your most powerful White magic "verquick" spell available by first checking if Verstone is available, then Impact, then casting Jolt--your weakest verquick spell--at the highest level available (useful for when you are synced to a lower level). For optimal DPS, follow this up with a "verslow" spell, such as Veraero or Verthunder. If you prefer this strictly boost ONLY White magic, remove the line with Impact from your macro.

Power Verraise

  • /micon "Verraise"
  • /ac "Verraise" <t>
  • /ac "Verraise" <1>
  • /ac "Verraise" <2>
  • /ac "Verraise" <3>
  • /ac "Verraise" <4>
  • /ac "Verraise" <5>
  • /ac "Verraise" <6>
  • /ac "Verraise" <7>
  • /ac "Verraise" <8>

This macro simplifies targeting with Verraise. The priority is your current target if it is valid (a dead player) or the first dead player in your party in descending order. You may optionally add a check for Swiftcast first by adding [ /ac "Swiftcast" <wait.1> ] (without the brackets) into line 2, but this will slightly delay your cast time. It is recommended instead that you use this macro while you have the Dualcast buff.