Hogging the Spotlight
- Main article: Heavensturn (2019)
Hogging the Spotlight
- Quest giver
- Inoshishi Bugyo
- Location
- Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (X:11.5, Y:14)
- Quest line
- Heavensturn (2019)
- Level
- 15
- Experience
- Gil
- Patch
- 4.45
“The inoshishi bugyo is in need of a helping hand.
※This quest is available for a limited time only.— In-game description
- Unlocks
- Speak with the troubled townsman.
- Speak with the melancholy maiden.
- Speak with the livid Lominsan.
- Report to the inoshishi bugyo.
- Participate in the FATE “A Mochi Catastrophe” in La Noscea.
- Report to the inoshishi bugyo.
- A delegation led by the inoshishi bugyo has come from the Far East in the hopes of sharing their customs with the people of Eorzea during the coming Heavensturn festival. For reasons unbeknownst to him, however, the people of Limsa Lominsa have failed to show even the faintest glimmer of interest. To that end he turns to you, an adventurer native to Eorzea, in the hopes of winning the townsfolk over. Together with his faithful boar, Ibukimaru, he asks you to spread word of their plans for the festival, and the advent cakes that will be handed out to any who should come to partake in their revelry.
※Please note that you will not be able to complete this quest after the seasonal event has ended. For more details, check the Lodestone.
- You find Ibukimaru in the company of a potential celebrant, though it is plain he cares not for the boar's affectionate glances. His discomfort soon gives way to enthusiasm, however, when you explain the bugyo's plans for Heavensturn. Before taking his leave, he asks if you are certain about this year's totem animal. As he tells it, word has spread about town that it is the year of the cat. Hopefully this rumor has not yet spread too far.
- Ibukimaru's attention is drawn next to a melancholy maiden, all by her lonesome. Upon hearing of the Heavensturn celebration, a glimmer of hope returns to her eyes, for she was all but certain the event had been canceled. She quickly takes her leave, thoughts likely swimming with thoughts of rice cakes, but the cause for her misunderstanding remains a mystery.
- You catch up to Ibukimaru and discover him in the company of a rather disgruntled Roegadyn who asks for assistance in doing away with your boar companion. When you tell him Ibukimaru is part of the Heavensturn celebration, he is utterly flabbergasted. It seems someone convinced him the boar had caused a commotion so great the festival was called off. The inoshishi bugyo is sure to take comfort in knowing these untruths have been exposed.
- While relieved by your report, the inoshishi bugyo is at a loss as to who would try to sabotage the festival. Enter the neko bugyo. He believes the cat has been denied its rightful place as a totem animal and intends to seek his revenge by ruining this year's celebration. In fact, he claims to have made powerful allies in Eorzea who will help see his plans come to fruition. No sooner does he take his leave than the mochi daikan arrives bearing terrible news. The mochi pounding sites are under siege by strange, feline creatures, and with no mochi for advent cakes, there can be no festival. And so you set out to save the mochi by participating in the FATE “A Mochi Catastrophe” in one of the following locations: southeast of the Zephyr Gate in middle La Noscea; east of the Salt Strand in lower La Noscea.
- Amidst flying fur and perilous pounding, you somehow emerge unscathed with sufficient mochi for the bugyo's advent cakes. He is certain to be relieved to hear this.
- Thanks to your efforts, the Heavensturn celebration is off to a rousing start, but the neko bugyo is not yet willing to admit defeat. When his gaelicat cohort fails to come to his aid, however, he collapses to the ground, lamenting the shattered dreams of cats everywhere. He begins to reminisce about a simpler time, when all he wanted was to share his love of cats with the world. Suddenly inspired by this stroll down memory lane, he proclaims he will see that dream realized, even if it requires nefarious means to do so. The neko bugyo then takes his leave, vowing revenge against the boar come next Heavensturn. A pity it will not be next year's totem animal. Nevertheless, this year's festival is safe, and the people of Limsa Lominsa can celebrate in peace.
Accepting the Quest
Inoshishi Bugyo: Hmmm... You have the bearing of one who has seen more than their fair share of danger. Are you, perchance, one of the adventurers these lands are famous for? If so, I could certainly use your help.
Inoshishi Bugyo: I am the inoshishi bugyo, part of a Far Eastern delegation come to share our Heavensturn customs with the good people of Eorzea.
Inoshishi Bugyo: I have always found it fascinating that our celebrations of this momentous occasion are so similar, and yet so different. You see, in the Far East it is not a deity, but a totem animal which serves as herald for the coming year.
Inoshishi Bugyo: And at long last, the boar shall ascend to its rightful place in the heavens. To mark the occasion, I commissioned kabuto in its likeness, that all might bask in the glory of this most majestic and jovial of creatures.
Inoshishi Bugyo: Ahem, but I digress. I am in dire need of assistance, and would gladly offer you one of these celebratory helms as compensation for your time.
Inoshishi Bugyo: The task I have in mind should be markedly simpler than the adventures you're accustomed to. All I ask is you take my faithful companion Ibukimaru in tow, and spread word that we will be handing out advent mochi-rice cakes as part of our celebration of Heavensturn.
Ibukimaru: Oink!
Inoshishi Bugyo: Speaking of rice cakes, are you familiar with the art of mochi pounding?
Player: Why, yes, I am! / Mochi pounding?
"Why, yes, I am!"
Inoshishi Bugyo: My, my. That I should find an adventurer versed in the traditions of my homeland. The blessings of the boar are already upon us!
"Mochi pounding?"
Inoshishi Bugyo: Allow me to explain. Mochi pounding is the process by which we make our advent cakes. Freshly steamed rice is placed in a large mortar, then beaten into a sticky dough using a hammer. Though quite simple, these treats are a cornerstone of the celebration.
Inoshishi Bugyo: To ensure our mochi is pounded to perfection, I've enlisted the aide of a cylopes who should be hammering away as we speak right outside the city.
Inoshishi Bugyo: Yet for all my efforts, no one has shown even the faintest glimmer of interest. That is why I would ask you to go in my stead. I sincerely doubt the good people of Limsa Lominsa would deny the invitation of an adventurer. Especially one in the company of dear Ibukimaru, here.
Ibukimaru: Oink, oink!
Inoshishi Bugyo: Ah, he seems rather eager to get started. An excellent sign. I leave the rest to you, then.
Inoshishi Bugyo: If you can garner interest in even a handful of people, I would be ever so grateful.
The Troubled Townsman
Ibukimaru: Oink!
Troubled Townsman: Ahem. Would you happen to know what this boar's doing here? I know a come-hither look when I see one, and the way he's been drinking me in is making me uncomfortable...
Troubled Townsman: Heavensturn, you say? And there'll be cakes? You can be sure I'll attend and eat my fair share.
Troubled Townsman: But are you certain it's to be the year of the boar? Word about town is it's the year of the cat... Then again, I never could remember the animals they celebrate over in the Far East. At any rate, thanks for the invitation.
Ibukimaru: Oink...
The Melancholy Maiden
Ibukimaru: Oink!
Melancholy Maiden: ...Yes, what is it? <sigh> Not more bad news, I hope.
Melancholy Maiden: They're making ready for the Heavensturn celebration? But I thought it was canceled.
Melancholy Maiden: I've been waiting all year for another chance to eat those delicious, sticky cakes. I can hardly wait!
Ibukimaru: Oink! Oink, oink!
The Livid Lominsan
Ibukimaru: Oink!
Livid Lominsan: Oh good, an adventurer. Would you mind giving me a hand doing away with this damned boar?
Livid Lominsan: What do you mean he's part of the Heavensturn celebration? The way I heard it, the whole thing's been called off on account of this brute causing all manner of trouble for the Far Eastern delegation.
Livid Lominsan: Hmmm. You've an honest face, so I'd like to believe you. Well, if there really is going to be a celebration, I'd be a fool to pass up the chance to have more of those cakes.
Ibukimaru: Oink!
Reporting to the Bugyo
Ibukimaru: Oink!
Inoshishi Bugyo: Ah, you are returned. Were the townsfolk receptive to our offerings of sweets and merrymaking?
Inoshishi Bugyo: It would seem someone has gone to great lengths to mislead the good people of Limsa Lominsa. But who would have cause to disrupt the Heavensturn celebration?
???: Nyahahaha! Like kittens drawn to gaelicatnip, they played right into my hands.
Inoshishi Bugyo: <gasp> Neko bugyo! What are you doing here!?
Neko Bugyo: As if I could stand idly by as you propagate this farce you call tradition, denying the regal feline the love and devotion it deserves!
Inoshishi Bugyo: You poor, misguided soul. Did you truly believe our plans could be sabotaged with a few baseless rumors?
Neko Bugyo: You underestimate me at your peril, inoshishi bugyo. I have gained powerful new allies here in Eorzea. Allies that have poised themselves to pounce on the very heart of your little celebration
Neko Bugyo: The cat shall yet have his cream. Just you wait and see. Nyahahaha!
Inoshishi Bugyo: My apologies, friend. 'Tis clear now that trouble has followed me here to Eorzea.
Inoshishi Bugyo: As I mentioned before, custom dictates we name a totem animal to herald the coming of the new year. It is said the kami descended from the heavens and bestowed this duty upon twelve animals, who would serve one after the other in a cycle that repeats to this very day. And while the truth of this tale has long since been lost to time, one thing is certain─the cat was not among the chosen, for there is no year of the cat.
Inoshishi Bugyo: Even so, there are those who believe the cat was spurned by the other beasts, and robbed of its place in the heavens. Seeking revenge for this alleged betrayal, these zealots labor tirelessly to foil any celebration that proclaims the ascent of a totem animal. The neko bugyo is their leader.
Inoshishi Bugyo: That he should come all this way, and with allies... This bodes ill.
Mochi Daikan: Grave tidings from the pounding sites! Both areas are infested with strange cat-like creatures attacking any and everything that approaches the mortars. Between them and the thunderous hammers of the cyclopes, collecting mochi for our advent cakes is all but impossible.
Inoshishi Bugyo: The advent cakes, of course! There can be no celebration without a sufficient store.
Mochi Daikan: Surely there must be something we can do. Or perhaps... Hm?
Mochi Daikan: [Player]! Yes, I thought I recognized you. No doubt those hellcats would seem more like kittens to a hardened adventurer such as you. Please say you will help us.
Inoshishi Bugyo: We would be most grateful for any assistance you can offer.
Mochi Daikan: Excellent. I shall return to the pounding sites and make ready for your arrival.
Ibukimaru: Oink, oink!
Mochi Daikan: You wish to join me? Very well. Come, Ibukimaru, let us be off!
Inoshishi Bugyo: Though the task may seem daunting, there are but two pounding sites. One in middle La Noscea, to the southeast of the Zephyr Gate, and in lower La Noscea, to the east of the Salt Strand. Pray save what mochi you can from the mortars.