Ballista Bust-up
Sahagin Daily Quests
Destroy two ballistas. This is a heavy aggro area, which makes it a bit more difficult.
In-game Description
The gears of war turn inexorably in the Sapsa Spawning Grounds, but Houu hopes that an opportune act of sabotage may gum up the works.
New siege engines stand under guard at the Sapsa Spawning Greounds, bound for the front and destined to claim scores of lives. Houu has chosen you among all others to destroy at least two of these fresh whelk ballistae, no matter the cost.
You have obliterated two of the ballistae, though you cannot help but worry that more will soon take their place. Return at once to Houu to hear his opinion on the matter.
Though Houu is well pleased at the success of your mission, he is less enthused when he learns that the Tridents have gathered a larger force in the area than first thought. He hopes that your deeds will give the Tridents pause, but you get the distinct impression that there will be much more to do to maintain the peace...