Cavalry Elbst
Revision as of 05:43, 9 November 2018 by RequiemTempest (talk | contribs)
“To ensure his elbst do not find themselves at a disadvantage to swift-running chocobos, Pahh of Novv's Clutch clips the webbing on their feet at a young age, rendering them more capable of achieving high speeds on land. This procedure, however, robs them of their natural-born ability to swim.
"My elbst is your elbst." - Seabeast Tamer— In-game description
Cavalry Elbst is a terrestrial mount that can be summoned with an Elbst Horn. The horn can be purchased from the Sahagin Vendor for 120,000 after attaining Trusted (Rank 4) reputation with the Sahagin.