It's Probably Not Pirates

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Revision as of 13:18, 19 April 2018 by RequiemTempest (talk | contribs)
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Main Scenario Quest icon.png

It's Probably Not Pirates

Quest giver
Western La Noscea (X:27, Y:26)
Quest line
Seventh Umbral Era
Required items
1 Warded Pot Icon.png  Warded Pot
Experience 23,460
Gil 0
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestA Promising Prospect
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestRepresenting the Representative

Ceana is frustrated with the progress of her research.

— In-game description

It's Probably Not Pirates is a level 42 Main Scenario Quest.


Optional Rewards



  • Ceana is certain that the area surrounding Pharos Sirius on the Isles of Umbra is replete with corrupted crystals. However, she has yet to test this hypothesis, as all access to the isles is prohibited at present. As she lacks your charming wit and way with words, she bids you question the Yellowjackets of Aleport in her stead, and attempt to discover the reason behind the travel restrictions.
  • The three Yellowjackets you elect to question speak of spirits and undead infesting the Isles of Umbra. Relay this disturbing news to Ceana.
  • Ceana is quite perturbed by the revelation that undead abominations are the cause of her troubles. Hopefully this will not deter her from aiding you in your quest...