Salt and Light
Salt and Light is a Rank S Elite Mark found in The Lochs.
Killing the Elite Mark will reward the player up to 100 Centurio Seals,
100 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics,
30 Allagan Tomestones of Aesthetics and 1 Cracked Cluster.
The Lochs
.. TBD ...
Spawn Conditions
Assuming Salt and Light's random timer is up, he has a slim chance of spawning upon "discarding" of items.
As far as we know any item works and you can be anywhere in the area while attempting to spawn Salt.
.. TBD ...
Tips and Tricks
"According to the records of the Resistance, a clan of goblins once came barreling in from the west, and smashed through an imperial checkpoint. The Empires forces soon gave chase, and cornered the beastmen on the shores of Loch Seld. The goblins were slain to a man, but not before one of them hurled a strange device into the loch's waters. The surface of the loch was seen to bulge upwards, forming into a watery giant which proceeded to decimate the Garlean soldiers before suddenly draining away once more. Honestly, folks should be more careful with what they choose to throw away..." - Hroudland Template:Elite Marks