Materials Usage License

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This is a transcript from FINAL FANTASY® XIV - Materials Usage License:

Materials Usage License
Revised September 29, 2017

Final Fantasy XIV ("FFXIV") is comprised of materials such as art, text, and logos that are copyrighted and/or trademarked. Square Enix Co., Ltd., and Square Enix, Inc. (collectively "Square Enix") grants you permission to utilize certain materials as specified below (the "Materials") on a non-commercial basis, for the purpose of supporting and developing the Final Fantasy XIV community, in accordance to the following terms and conditions.
Please read these terms and conditions carefully. The use or distribution of the Materials from Final Fantasy XIV and/or Final Fantasy XIV-related services, on your or third party homepages, blogs, social networking services, is conditional upon your acceptance of these terms and conditions.

Copyrighted and Trademarked Materials
This License applies to the following Materials:

  • All art, text, logos, videos, screenshots, images, sounds, music, and recordings from FFXIV;
  • All art, text, logos, videos, screenshots, images, sounds, music, and recordings from the official FFXIV website, official forums or any other official Square Enix channel;
  • The Final Fantasy XIV Fankit;
  • The following audio soundtracks: FINAL FANTASY XIV: Battle Tracks, FINAL FANTASY XIV: Field Tracks, FINAL FANTASY XIV: Frontiers, Before Meteor: FINAL FANTASY XIV Original Soundtrack, A REALM REBORN: FINAL FANTASY XIV Original Soundtrack, From Astral to Umbral - FINAL FANTASY XIV: BAND & PIANO Arrangement Album, Before the Fall: FINAL FANTASY XIV Original Soundtrack, FINAL FANTASY XIV: Heavensward -EP-, Heavensward: FINAL FANTASY XIV Original Soundtrack, FINAL FANTASY XIV: Duality ~Arrangement Album~, THE FAR EDGE OF FATE: FINAL FANTASY XIV Original Soundtrack, and FINAL FANTASY XIV Orchestral Arrangement Album.

General Guidelines
These guidelines apply to any and all use of the Materials:

  • You may not use the Materials for any sales or commercial use, meaning you cannot receive license fees or advertising revenue, except as part of the partner programs operated by,,, or similar programs. If the operator of a partner program seeks to confirm our policy, please point them to this page as we do not have the resources to respond to all requests.
  • If you use a trademark (such as "Final Fantasy" or any related logo), then you must include a notice saying that the mark is owned by Square Enix, such as the following:
FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.
  • If you use any copyrighted Materials (such as screenshots or gameplay video), then you must include the following notice:
FINAL FANTASY XIV © 2010 - 2017 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
  • You may not sell the Materials to third parties as original content;
  • You may not use the Materials to promote other commercial products;
  • You may not materially alter or modify the Materials, except:
    • You may add your own voice-over, and you may edit, combine, mash-up, mix and match the Materials with other FFXIV Materials;
  • You may not alter, remove, or conceal any trademark or copyright notices that may be included in the Materials;
  • You must immediately comply with any request by Square Enix to remove any Materials, in Square Enix's sole discretion;
  • You agree not to use any Materials in conjunction with any of the following: unapproved Square Enix assets, counterfeit merchandise, pornography, unlicensed Square Enix music available for streaming or download, or links to unlicensed Square Enix music available for streaming or download.

Guidelines for Videos
The video must not require a paid membership for viewing;

  • You may not split our videos (vocal, music, visual, etc.) or distribute components as separate assets;
  • You may not combine or synchronize the Materials with third party content (e.g., a mash-up); but you may include the Materials alongside third party content (e.g., before or after in the same video) as long as you also have permission from the original copyright owner);
  • The video must not contain racist, sexist, homophobic, or generally offensive content of any kind. This includes graphic violence or sexually explicit content.

Guidelines for Music and Sounds
You may only use music as it is incorporated in FFXIV; When showing gameplay, you may not replace the FFXIV music with third party music;

  • You may not play FFXIV music alone (i.e., without accompanying gameplay footage) or with third party materials;
  • You may not use the songs titled "Answers", "Dragonsong", or "Revolutions". You also may not use any arranged or rearranged version of "Answers", "Dragonsong", or "Revolutions", including, but not limited to, "Contention" and "Misconception".

Disclaimer and Other Legal Notes
The Materials are provided 'as is.' Square Enix does not make any representations or warranties regarding the Materials, whether express, implied (either in fact or by operation of law), or statutory. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, Square Enix will not, under any circumstances, be liable to you for consequential, incidental, special, or exemplary damages arising out of or related to the transaction contemplated under this License, including but not limited to lost profits or loss of business, even if Square Enix is apprised of the likelihood of such damages occurring. This is the entire Agreement between Square Enix and you with respect to the subject matter hereof, and this agreement supersedes any prior written or verbal agreements. You agree to its terms by using any Materials (as identified above), and to any changes to this Agreement by using any Materials after such changes are posted. The laws of the State of California, but not the choice of law principles, shall govern this Agreement. You hereby irrevocably consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the federal and state courts in Los Angeles County, California, in connection with any action arising out of or in connection with this agreement.

— Official Website


  • Please note that the text above may not reflect the current license state; this wiki will strive to monitor changes and apologizes if any part of the copyright text has changed in the meantime.
  • Last time this text was edited: November 6th, 2017.