In FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn, players can hone their skills on their own by lending aid to the denizens of Eorzea in various quests, battling imposing foes in FATEs, and so forth. However, adventurers may occasionally encounter dungeons or trials that are too difficult to challenge alone. By joining forces with other adventurers, players can experience a new level of deep, strategic gameplay and overcome greater challenges. Below is a brief explanation of party composition, roles, and a number of systems in place to facilitate the grouping of players to undertake trials and enter dungeons.
1. Party Overview
By playing together with others in a party, it is possible to undertake a number of challenges such as dungeons, trials, and guildhests. A party can contain a maximum of eight players. Depending on the duty being undertaken, there may be restrictions on the number of players allowed in a party, as well as their roles. Forming a balanced party is a vital first step toward ensuring victory in the many battles that await you in Eorzea.
Types of Parties
When undertaking duties as a group, generally one of two types of parties will be required: a light party or full party. A light party consists of four players, while a full party consists of eight players.
Party Roles
All Disciples of War and Magic possess unique traits and skills that allow them to be categorized into one of three roles: Tank, Healer, or DPS. A combination of all three roles is required when undertaking a duty, and an adequate understanding of the role you choose is key to effective teamwork.
Forming a Party
The following methods can be used to invite players to join your party, or to accept a party invitation.
1. Inviting via the Subcommand Menu Select the player you wish to invite, then select Invite to Party from the subcommand menu.
2. Inviting via the Social Interface Select the player you wish to invite from your friend list or the Player Search results, then select Invite to Party from the subcommand menu.
3. Inviting via the Chat Log Select the name of the player you wish to invite from the chat log, then select Invite to Party from the subcommand menu.
2. Duty Finder
The Duty Finder allows players to register for duties without having to form a party. By selecting a desired duty, players will be matched automatically with other players spanning multiple Worlds. * The Duty Finder is accessible upon unlocking either guildhests or the Sastasha Seagrot.
Using the Duty Finder
1. Upon opening the Duty Finder, a list of available duties will be displayed.
2. Select your desired duty, then select Join to register.
* Up to five duties can be registered at the same time.
3. When matching has completed, a window identifying the selected duty will be displayed. When you are ready to enter, select Commence to begin.
* Please note that in the event you abandon a duty when all other party members are still present, you will be unable to undertake new duties for a brief period of time.
Requesting Reinforcements
If a player should happen to disconnect or leave your party in the middle of a duty, it may be necessary to add a new member to the party.
In such instances, a window will appear prompting the party leader to find new members. By selecting Add Members, the Duty Finder will locate new members and add them to the party automatically. * Members can only be added when players have been randomly matched for a duty.
To join a party in progress that is requesting new members, first check the box next to Join Party in Progress before selecting a duty.
Registering With a Light or Full Party
Under normal circumstances, certain role requirements must be met when registering for a duty. However, parties that meet the party size requirement before registering are free to use any combination of roles.
* Members can only be added when players have been randomly matched for a duty.
However, certain duties such as the Crystal Tower require that all parties adhere to the indicated role requirements.
Duty Roulette
When using the Duty Roulette, you will be assigned a random duty from among those you have unlocked. By electing to undertake a duty at random, you will receive enhanced rewards.
* The enhanced rewards from Duty Roulette may only be claimed once a day for each category.