The Time between the Seconds
Main Scenario Quest
Talk to Yugiri in Yanxia (X:12.2 Y:32.2 Z: 0.0) in order to accept quest.
- Yugiri has made her choice, and so have you.
Dialogue - Yugiri: Zeno's itinerary is as follows... He will depart Doma Castle by ship and approach the Moon Gates. The Magitek field will be deactivated briefly, allowing his vessel to pass. It will the continue on to these very docks, where he and his entourage will disembark. As you can see this area is not ideal for an ambush. Wide open, multiple avenues of escape. The manor is better suited to our needs. Let us split up and search for suitable hiding places.
Destination (X:16.6 Y:33.0 Z:0.1)
Interact to Survey
Caption - Surrounded by walls and deserted, this location appears to be ideal for concealment...
Yugiri appears.
Dialogue - Yugiri: Hmm... From the roof, we would have a clear view of the docks... It is settled. We shall lie in wait here until Zenos arrives. As discussed, if all goes to plan, he shall fall with my first blow. If not, then the two of us will have to engage him in open combat. His escort is of no consequence, which means that we will have a two to one advantage. Nevertheless, he is not to be underestimated...
Warrior of Light nods in agreement.
Interact with Yugiri (X:16.6 Y:33.0 Z:0.1) to begin Solo Duty
Dialogue - Yugiri: All that remains is to wait. I trust that you are ready?
Confirmation Box: Duty calls. Commence battle for "The Time between the Seconds"? *If your level is above 66, it will be synced. (Proceed) (Leave)
Select (Proceed) to begin Cinematic Cutscene.
Objective: Defeat Zenos yae Galvus!
Zenos will state that you must first kill his men. This is not possible, they can not be targeted and they do not target you. They can be ignored, focus on Zenos.
Zenos melees with his sword and produces a series of high damage AOEs.
Avoid AOEs at all costs.
First AOE is medium diameter and fairly easy to escape. Wait for it to dissipate then move in to deal more direct damage.
He will then perform 3 - 4 melee strikes before dashing away to cast "Lightless Spark", a large Cone of Attack.
Immediately move towards Zenos and out of the Cone.
He will then perform more melee strikes before casing an unavoidable high damage instant "Vein Splitter".
"Lightless Flames" appear which are delayed small to medium range AOE. Get away from them before they detonate, I recommend sprinting to a far corner.
He will then perform more melee strikes before casing an unavoidable high damage instant "Vein Splitter".
Simultaneously Zenos dashes away to cast "Lightless Spark" and "Lightless Flames" appear. Again get away from them before they detonate, I recommend sprinting to a far corner.
Zenos alternates between melee strikes, AOEs, "Vein Splitter", "Lightless Flames", and "Lightless Spark" until his HP falls to about 50%.
Zenos will perform an instant, unavoidable stun blast, disabling everyone, leaving only you to fight against him.
Part 2: To be Continued
- Search for a place to lie in wait.
- Speak with Yugiri. (Solo Duty)
- Speak with Alisaie.