Property:Is for role
Revision as of 12:19, 17 June 2017 by Valento (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This has type::text property describes which role an action is directly associated with. Allowed values: * Allows value::Tanker * Allows value::Healer * All...")
This text property describes which role an action is directly associated with.
Allowed values:
- Tanker
- Healer
- Melee DPS
- Physical Ranged DPS
- Magic Ranged DPS
- tanker
- healer
- melee dps
- physical ranged dps
- magic ranged dps
{ "type": "PROPERTY_CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA", "constraints": { "type_constraint": "_txt", "allowed_values": [ "Tank", "Healer", "Melee DPS", "Physical Ranged DPS", "Magic Ranged DPS", "Free Company", "tank", "healer", "melee dps", "physical ranged dps", "magic ranged dps", "free company", "magical ranged dps", "Magical Ranged DPS" ] } }