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Jobs are an extension of their base classes, and require a Soul Crystal to activate. Each job inherits cross-class (additional) actions from its primary, secondary and tertiary classes, and requires levelling its primary class to 30 and secondary class to 15, as well as completing primary class quest at 30. From Heavensward onwards players aren't required to level any class and can create a job right at level 30.


Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn jobs.

Jobs have specialized abilities aimed to perform specific roles in a group setting. Jobs are the same level as their corresponding classes and can be thought of as specialized modes of the base classes. There are 10 jobs in A Realm Reborn (2.0): Warrior, Paladin, Monk, Ninja (2.4), Dragoon, Bard, White Mage, Black Mage, Summoner and Scholar. Unlocking a job awards its Soul Crystal, which is required to change from the player's current class to a more specialized job. Each job has its own crystal which can be equipped via the Armoury Chest.

Jobs have some special features:

  • Primary class is the class the job links to.
  • ARR requires a secondary class levelled to 15 to unlock the job.
  • To switch to a job simply equip its Soul Crystal, returning to a base class works similarly by leaving the crystal slot empty.
  • The job has all the abilities and traits of the primary class and can use all the cross-class abilities of secondary and tertiary classes. They gain cross-class ability slots every 10 levels instead of 5 like classes. Jobs don't have traits of their own neither earn them through levelling (except for the Heavensward ones), instead they inherit traits from their primary classes which continue to gain traits as they level. All Job abilities are earned through job quests.
  • Level is shared between job and primary class once that job is unlocked. For example, if you level a summoner to 40, then swap over to its base class (arcanist), the latter will also be at level 40. This means both primary class and its respective job will always be at the same level, regardless of which you play with.
  • Jobs released in Heavensward (3.0): Dark Knight, Astrologian and Machinist, start from level 30 and do not require base classes, instead starting with a full set of abilities of their own.
  • Jobs released in Stormblood (4.0): Samurai and Red Mage, start from level 50 and do not require base classes similar to the Heavensward jobs.

Job chart

This list includes all jobs with their primary (lvl30) classes. Five jobs can only be obtained by purchasing Heavensward (Dark Knight, Astrologian and Machinist) and Stormblood (Samurai and Red Mage).

Job Role Primary Class
Warrior frame icon.png Warrior Tank Marauder frame icon.png Marauder
Paladin frame icon.png Paladin Tank Gladiator frame icon.png Gladiator
Monk frame icon.png Monk Melee Physical DPS Pugilist frame icon.png Pugilist
Dragoon frame icon.png Dragoon Melee Physical DPS Lancer frame icon.png Lancer
Bard frame icon.png Bard Ranged Physical DPS Archer frame icon.png Archer
White Mage frame icon.png White Mage Healer Conjurer frame icon.png Conjurer
Black Mage frame icon.png Black Mage Ranged Magical DPS Thaumaturge frame icon.png Thaumaturge
Summoner frame icon.png Summoner Ranged Magical DPS Arcanist frame icon.png Arcanist
Scholar frame icon.png Scholar Healer Arcanist frame icon.png Arcanist
Ninja frame icon.png Ninja Melee Physical DPS Rogue frame icon.png Rogue
Dark Knight frame icon.png Dark Knight HS Tank None
Astrologian frame icon.png Astrologian HS Healer None
Machinist frame icon.png Machinist HS Ranged Physical DPS None
Samurai frame icon.png Samurai ST Melee DPS None
Red Mage frame icon.png Red Mage ST Ranged Magical DPS None

HS requires Heavensward.
ST requires Stormblood.

  • Note: You can level all classes and jobs on 1 character.



Dark Knight icon.png Dark Knight

Dark Knights are a balanced job, specialized in tanking and dealing damage with their specific instances. This job uses MP to perform actions, and is known for draining mana very quickly if not managed well. Dark Knights can greatly increase their next offensive/defense action by using a special ability called Dark Arts.

Paladin icon.png Paladin

Paladins are excellent for tanking due to all damage mitigation actions at your disposal. While having a moderate HP, they have access to many defensive actions and healing actions, can take damage for an ally, can heal allies, and become temporarily invincible. Because this job focus a great part on tanking, they don't have competitive damage when compared to other tankers.

Warrior icon.png Warrior

Warriors are a high damage, moderate hp tanking job. Out of all tankers warrior has the least damage reduction capabilities and to compensate they deal the biggest damage among them, often occupying an off-tanker position in endgame content. Warriors are seen as an easy-to-start class, having their learning curve grow exponentially as they level.


Astrologian icon.png Astrologian

Astrologians are a healing time-mage job. Their actions are based on both heal-over-time and MP regeneration, as well as using cards to cast offensive buffs and recover mana. Besides having damage increase buffs, astrologians deal the least damage out of all healers.

Scholar icon.png Scholar

Scholars are a mixed healing job. Mastering this job is considered difficult because of all the micromanaging involving their own healing spells, and pet healing spells. Due to their access to aetherflow scholars don't see much problems with MP management like white mages for example, and they can also deal the highest continuous DPS from all healers with damage-over-time actions.

White Mage icon.png White Mage

White Mages bear the highest healing output in the game. Through the use of HP regeneration abilities, a full HP heal, and occasional DPS bursts, white mages are a very varied healing job. They can swap healing power with damage power to provide a more DPS-oriented gameplay, and are often seen as a very simple starting job.


Bard icon.png Bard

Bards are a very mobile, ranged physical damage job. They play songs to buff allies, and can lower their mobility to become a caster in exchange for greater damage.

Black Mage icon.png Black Mage

Black Mages resemble the classical elemental mage with unmatchable area spells. Their unique mechanics revolve around balancing Astral Fire and Umbral Fire to prevent too much MP consumption, while dealing high damage with offensive fire, ice and lightning spells.

Dragoon icon.png Dragoon

Dragoons have a very active melee gameplay. Their playstyle revolves around jumping, dealing burst damage and some area damage aswell. Dragoons also have access to a piercing debuff which empowers other DPS jobs.

Machinist icon.png Machinist

Machinists' gameplay is very similar to the bard. They're mobile and can place turrets to cause damage and provide buffs, but become less mobile at higher levels to do more damage. While not being the highest DPS job, they have fantastic utility.

Monk icon.png Monk

Monks are a very agile melee job. The monk aims at keeping up Grease Lightning buff, dealing impressive sustained single-target damage, as well as having access to great area damage on higher levels. One key point for monks is position: many of their attacks deal more damage at certain positions, and some actions can trigger certain effects depending on position.

Ninja icon.png Ninja

Ninjas are a stealthy melee job. They have access to a variety of ninjutsus which can be cast every 20 seconds, and can deal with enmity with very particular actions. These actions include transfering their enmity to other player, and reducing threat generation from a partir member.

20px Red Mage

Still in development.

20px Samurai

Still in development.

Summoner icon.png Summoner

Summoners are a pet-summoning, area damage job. They can summon up to three pets – one of them being a tanker, resulting in an excellent solo class. Summoners deal most of its damage through damage-over-time actions, and special abilities available with aetherflow. This is the only DPS job that can ressurect dead allies.