OIC Quartermaster

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Template:NPC Infobox OIC Quartermaster is an Vendor NPC.

Locations and Quests

Location Coordinate Started Quests Involved in Quests
Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (x13.1,y12.5)
New Gridania (x9.7,y11.0)
Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (x8.2,y9.1)

Items For Sale For Company Credits

Item Rank Cost
Magicked Stable Broom 6 1,500
Sunflower Plot 6 1,800
Dandelion Plot 6 1,800
Morning Glory Plot 6 2,000
Carbuncle Round Table 6 2,300
Carbuncle Lantern 6 2,300
Carbuncle Chronometer 6 3,300
Odin Miniature 6 75,000
Bahamut Miniature 6 100,000
Moongrass Plot 6 2,000

Free Company Actions For Company Credits

Action Description Duration! Rank Cost
The Heat of Battle Increases EXP earned through battle by 5%. 24h 5 3,500
Earth and Water Increases EXP earned through gathering by 5%. 24h 5 3,500
Helping Hand Increases EXP earned through crafting by 5%. 24h 5 3,500
A Man's Best Friend Increases EXP earned by companions by 10%. 24h 5 2,800
Mark Up Increases Wolf Marks earned by 5%. 24h 5 2,800
Seal Sweetener Increases company seals earned by 5%. 24h 5 2,800
Jackpot Increases MGP payout by 5%. 24h 5 2,800
Brave New World Increases the attributes of all Disciple of War or Magic members under level 25 by 10%. 24h 5 1,750
Live off the Land Increases Gathering by 5. 24h 5 2,800
What You See Increases Perception by 5. 24h 5 2,800
Eat from the Hand Increases Craftsmanship by 5. 24h 5 2,800
In Control Increases Control by 5. 24h 5 2,800
That Which Binds Us Increases spiritbonding speed. 24h 5 3,500
Meat and Mead Increases duration of food effects by five minutes. 24h 5 2,800
Proper Care Slows gear wear by 10%. 24h 5 3,500
Back on Your Feet Reduces duration of Weakness after being revived by 10%. 24h 5 2,800
Reduced Rates Reduces teleportation fees by 20%. 24h 5 3,500
The Heat of Battle II Increases EXP earned through battle by 10%. 24h 8 7,000
Earth and Water II Increases EXP earned through gathering by 10%. 24h 8 7,000
Helping Hand II Increases EXP earned through crafting by 10%. 24h 8 7,000
A Man's Best Friend II Increases EXP earned by companions by 15%. 24h 8 7,000
Mark Up II Increases Wolf Marks earned by 10%. 24h 8 7,000
Seal Sweetener II Increases company seals earned by 10%. 24h 8 7,000
Jackpot II Increases MGP payout by 10%. 24h 8 7,000
Brave New World II Increases the attributes of all Disciple of War or Magic members under level 49 by 5%. 24h 8 3,500
Live off the Land II Increases Gathering by 10. 24h 8 7,000
What You See II Increases Perception by 10. 24h 8 7,000
Eat from the Hand II Increases Craftsmanship by 10. 24h 8 7,000
In Control II Increases Control by 10. 24h 8 7,000
That Which Binds Us II Increases spiritbonding speed. 24h 8 7,000
Meat and Mead II Increases duration of food effects by ten minutes. 24h 8 7,000
Proper Care II Slows gear wear by 20%. 24h 8 7,000
Back on Your Feet II Reduces duration of Weakness after being revived by 15%. 24h 8 5,600
Reduced Rates II Reduces teleportation fees by 30%. 24h 8 7,000