Gem Marimo
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Template:Item Gem Marimo is a Seafood.
Basic Information
- Recommended Fishing Level: 60
- Fish Type: Floating Islands
- Aquarium Type: None
- Sizes: Smallest - ??im, Largest - 15.6im
A variety of luminous moss found growing in the ponds scattered about the diadem─their shape, color, and size akin to jewels in a crown.
Obtained By
Purchased From
- Purchased from Scrip Exchange in Idyllshire (x5.7,y7.0) for 20 Blue Gatherers' Scrip, 20 Blue Gatherers' Scrip, *Purchased from Scrip Exchange in Idyllshire (x5.7,y7.0) for 50 Blue Gatherers' Scrip, 50 Blue Gatherers' Scrip
Dropped By
Fishing Log: Calm Cloudtop
- Location: The Diadem (xEasy (X31,yY11)
- Hole Level: 60
- Baits: Red Balloon, Giant Crane Fly
- Mooched From:
- Condition:
- Weather:
Used For
Crafting Ingredient
- Max-Potion (Level 60 Alchemist)
- Max-Ether (Level 60 Alchemist)
Class: Culinarian
Potential Results:
- Allagan Silver Piece x1
- Clear Prism x1
- Fine Sand x1
- Wind Crystal x1-3
- Water Crystal x1-3