Property:Has island sanctuary dialogue

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This text property stores the Island Sanctuary dialogue of a minion.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
A-choo!  +
Gehehehe!  +
Ook-iii!♪  +
Grrrp...  +
Oink, oink!  +
Choo-choo!  +
<moist noises>  +
Brrr-oink!  +
Is it hot?  +
<shlurp>  +
<gurgle> <gurgle>  +
Mew?  +
Woof, woof!  +
Summer fever...  +
Ca-caw!  +
<chirp>  +
Yeowch!  +
<prickle> <prickle>  +
Dawn may banish even the darkest night...  +