Dragoon Actions

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Main article: Dragoon


Dragoon, unlike some other classes, does not operate solely on a rotation, instead dragoons operate on a skill priority. This changes vastly over the terms of leveling and this guide assumes the Dragoon is level 50 and in party. The main idea is to keep up your buffs, debuffs and DoTs while still weaving in Jumps and other Cooldowns along with other off the Global Cooldown (GCD) abilities.

Single Target

Keep Up: Heavy Thrust -> Phlebotomize -> Fracture -> Disembowel -> Chaos Thrust

Combo 1: Impulse Drive (from rear) -> Disembowel -> Chaos Thrust

Combo 2: True Thrust -> Vorpal Thrust -> Full Thrust

Off the Global Cooldown: Jump -> Spineshatter Dive -> Dragonfire Dive -> Leg Sweep -> CD's

Tips and Tricks

Multiple Targets (AoE)

Tips and Tricks

Skills and Abilities

Action Icon Level TP Cost Cast Time Cooldown Range Radius Description
Jump Jump.png 30 0 Instant 40s 20y 0y Delivers a jumping attack with a potency of 200. Returns you to your original position after the attack is made.
Cannot be executed while bound.
Elusive Jump Elusive jump.png 35 0 Instant 180s 15y 0y Executes a jump to a location 15y behind you, while removing any Heavy or Bind effects.
Additional Effect: Reduces enmity.
Spineshatter Dive Spineshatter dive.png 40 0 Instant 180s 20y 0y Delivers a jumping attack with a potency of 170.
Additional Effect: Stun for 2s.
Cannot be executed while bound.
Power Surge Power surge.png 45 0 Instant 90s 0y 0y Increases the damage dealt by one Jump or Spineshatter Dive by 50% for 10s.
Dragonfire Dive Dragonfire dive.png 50 0 Instant 180s 20y 5y Delivers a jumping fire-based attack with a potency of 250 to all nearby enemies.
Cannot be executed while bound.

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