Long Live the Queen

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Long Live the Queen

Long live the queen.png
35 (Sync: 36)
Party size
Light Party
4 man 1 Tank role.png 1 Healer role.png 2 DPS role.png
Not Allowed
Time limit
30 minutes

At first, the now-frequent deadly avalanches in the Coerthas highlands were written off as displays of Oschon's might. That is, until local mountaineers spotted a giant bomb sending smaller explosives up onto the Nail to self-destruct, triggering massive cataracts of snow and rock. Knowing now the true cause of the matter, the Holy See has put a bounty on the floating head of this "bomb queen." The task of regicide, however, will not be an easy one, for she is attended to by a retinue of royal subjects who are ready to serve her in any way necessary─including self-destruction.

— In-game description

Long Live the Queen is a level 35 guildhest introduced in patch 2.0.


Aggressive difficulty r4.png Bomb Queen

In this guildhest, players will travel through a snowy corridor and face a series of Bomb monsters. The venture culminates into a boss fight with the Queen Bomb. The various Bomb monsters all have different detonating methods.

Trash and Boss

Bomb Charr - a trash mob that will explode shortly after contacting the player.

Bomb Servitor - a trash mob that will explode shortly after contacting the player.

Bomb Baronet - a trash mob that will fight the player for a while then explode after displaying the detonate message.

Bomb Queen - the boss of the guildhest. She will not only spawn various Bomb adds such as the Bomb Baronet and Bomb Charr, but also detonate herself. When Bomb Queen detonates she will not die.

  • Move out of her AoE attacks and kill the adds following the detonation patterns described above.


Rewards: Experience 5,410 experience, Gil 210 gil