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Yak T'el

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Yak T'el

Clear Skies.png Fair Skies.png Clouds.png Fog.png Rain.png

Yak tel map.png
Map of Yak T'el

Yok Tural
Req. quest(s)
Main Scenario quest The Leap to Yak T'el
Connects to
Tuliyollal (N)
Skydeep Cenote Inner Chamber (SW)
Lower Jeuno (SW)
Iq Br'aax (X:13.5, Y:12.9)
Mamook (X:35.9, Y:32.0)

Yak T'el loading screen.jpg
Loading screen

These dense woodlands can be reached by dirigibles which cross the mountain range to the southeast of Tuliyollal. The highlands are rich in game and settled by the Xbr'aal. The lowlands, where the thick canopy blocks the sunlight, are inhabited by the Mamool Ja. The region is dotted with naturally occuring wells, known as cenotes, which are formed when water accumulates in sinkholes.

— Dawntrail Special Site

Yak T'el is a zone in Yok Tural. It is a zone introduced in Dawntrail (7.0), FFXIV's fifth expansion.

FINAL FANTASY XIV: DAWNTRAIL - New Areas: Yak T'el & Urqopacha

Getting there

The zone is unlocked during Main Scenario QuestThe Leap to Yak T'el. Players may talk to the Dirigible Attendant at the Dirigible Landing in Tuliyollal (X:4.8, Y:10.7) to travel there. The southern half of the zone is inaccessible until during Main Scenario QuestInto the Traverse, which will clear rocks in the path at the Ty'iinbek Traverse.


Area Points of Interest
The Ut'ohmu Horizon
Landmark (map icon).png
Xd'aa Talat Tsoly
Landmark (map icon).png
The Fanged Foundry
Landmark (map icon).png
Xmun Hojaw
Landmark (map icon).png
Nightstalker's Shadow
Landmark (map icon).png
Yak Awak Tsoly
Landmark (map icon).png
Dirigible Landing
Airship icon.png
Iq Br'aax
Aetheryte (map icon).png
Iq Br'aax
Skywatcher (map icon).png
Landmark (map icon).png
Garden of the Stars
The Xobr'it Cinderfield
Landmark (map icon).png
Iq Rrax Tsoly
Landmark (map icon).png
Xobr'it Tsoly
Landmark (map icon).png
Village of Ilyon Asoh
Landmark (map icon).png
The Ty'iinbek Traverse
Landmark (map icon).png
Xty'iinbek Tsoly
Aetheryte (map icon).png
Landmark (map icon).png
Sapsweet Cenote
Landmark (map icon).png
The Glory of Moxuk Reloonuk
The Ja Tiika Heartland
Landmark (map icon).png
Blue-eyes' Abode
Landmark (map icon).png
Bitterbark Cenote
Landmark (map icon).png
Golmajiik Grove
Landmark (map icon).png
Tree of Living Light
Landmark (map icon).png
Cenote Neyozzote
Landmark (map icon).png
Landmark (map icon).png
Moxutural Zooj
The Cerulean Cexudross
Landmark (map icon).png
Cenote Jayunja
Landmark (map icon).png
Landmark (map icon).png
Landmark (map icon).png
Gok Draak Descent
Landmark (map icon).png
The Skydeep Cenote
Landmark (map icon).png
Skydeep Cenote Inner Chamber
Dungeon (map icon).png
The Skydeep Cenote
Raid (map icon).png
Jeuno: The First Walk


Yak T'el Sidequests

Yak T'el FATEs

Shops & Services

Merchants and menders in Mamook are disabled until completing Main Scenario QuestThe Feat of the Brotherhood.

Merchant Name Merchant Location
Merchant (map icon).png
Local Merchant (Iq Br'aax)
(X:13.8, Y:12.6)
Merchant (map icon).png
Local Merchant (Mamook)
(X:34, Y:31.7)
Gemstone trader.png
Rral Wuruq
(X:13.8, Y:12.7)

Aether Currents


Coordinates Description Number
(x19.1, y10.9, z3.0) Along the path to Iq Br'axx from the dirigible landing 1
(x29.7, y10.5, z3.1) Just north of the Village of Ilyon Asoh 2
(x10.4, y18.7, z2.9) On a ridge overlooking Xmun Hojaw as one enters from the west 3
(x17.5, y6.7, z?.?) Just north of Yak Awak Tsoly 4
(x33.6, y26.1, z3.1) At the top of the ridge overlooking the Ty'iinbek Traverse (do not go down the path southwards) 5
(x19.1, y33.9, z0.8) In the river, at the bottom of a ramp down from the middle of the bridge near Cenote Jayunja 6
(x22.2, y21.4, z1.4) On a small ridge to the east of Moxutural Zooj 7
(x7.9, y26.2, z1.3) At the top of the ridge around Ankledeep 8
(x25.5, y24.6, z1.0) In a wooden arch on the southeast corner of Choliselvaas 9
(x36.4, y35.7, z1.2) Down the path southeast of the Mamook aetheryte 10
A map showing the locations of aether currents in Yak T'el.


Quest Level Coordinates Additional Information
Feature QuestAiming High 90 (x13.3, y13.5, z3.2) Unlocks after completing Dawntrail Main Scenario Quest Main Scenario QuestTaking a Stand
Feature QuestSecrets in the Cinderfield 90 (x22.2, y8.8, z3.0) Unlocks after completing Dawntrail Main Scenario Quest Main Scenario QuestTaking a Stand
Main Scenario QuestRoad to the Golden City 95 (x31.4, y32.7, z1.6) Dawntrail Main Scenario Quest reward
Feature QuestBeast of the Heartlands 90 (x33.1, y31.6, z1.5) Unlocks after completing Dawntrail Main Scenario Quest Main Scenario QuestThe Feat of the Brotherhood
Feature QuestLost and Powerless 90 (x32.1, y31.3, z1.5) Unlocks after completing Dawntrail Main Scenario Quest Main Scenario QuestThe Feat of the Brotherhood

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Treasure Maps

B Rank

A Rank

S Rank


See also: Sightseeing Log

Players can unlock Dawntrail sightseeing log entries 1-28 by speaking to Elsebee Ironheart in Tuliyollal (X:13.9, Y:10.1). Players must be a Disciple of War or Disciple of Magic level 90 or higher to obtain credit for these sightseeing logs. Vistas are small blue glowing orbs at which players need to /lookout or use another emote.

# Name Zone Coordinate Emote Comment
18 Iq Br'aax Yak T'el (X:11.5, Y:14.1) Lookout.png  Lookout Southwest of the aetheryte, up a small staircase.
19 Iq Rrax Tsoly Yak T'el (X:32.9, Y:6.5, Z:2.5) Lookout.png  Lookout Underwater, on top of a rock
20 The Xobr'it Cinderfield Yak T'el (X:29.5, Y:15.2, Z:3.1) Lookout.png  Lookout Overlooking the burned area, behind the two wooden armaments
21 Choliselvaas Yak T'el (X:24.4, Y:23.5, Z:3.2) Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the plateau, only reachable by flight.
22 The Ja Tiika Heartland Yak T'el (X:19.5, Y:32.4, Z:1.1) Lookout.png  Lookout North side of the central island, behind the meteorite. (Southwest of the Cenote Jayunga map marker)
23 Tree of Living Light Yak T'el (X:25.2, Y:27.2. Z:1.0) Lookout.png  Lookout On a large root on top of the water.


This zone is associated with the following achievements:

Name Points Task Reward Patch
Mapping the realm yak t'el icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Yak T'el 10 Discover every location within Yak T'el. - 7.0
Free market friend yak t'el icon1.png  Free Market Friend: Yak T'el 10 Achieve shared FATE rank 4 in Yak T'el. - 7.0
Freebird yak t'el icon1.png  Freebird: Yak T'el 5 Attune with all the aether currents in Yak T'el. - 7.0


  • Home to the primary settlements of Tural's Hrothgar and Mamool Ja, and replete with stunning cenotes harboring cerulean ponds and springs.
