Nutsy Clan Hunt

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Disambig icon.png This article is about Shadowbringers hunts. For the feature as a whole, see The Hunt. For Heavensward and Stormblood hunts, see Clan Hunt. For Endwalker hunts, see Guildship Hunt.

The formal practice of hunting elite marks exists even across the rift, perhaps suggested to the people of the First by the Crystal Exarch during his early days in the shard. In any case, a battle-mad organization known as Clan Nutsy is presently in charge of managing and assigning bills to prospective hunters.

Encyclopædia Eorzea Volume III, p. 292


Nutsy Clan Hunt is the new Mark Bills system introduced in Shadowbringers (5.0). Players can receive Nutsy Clan Mark Bills from the Clan Hunt Board in The Crystarium (x9.5,y9.4) or in Eulmore, The Understory. These Marks are divided into 4 types: One-nut, Two-nut, Three-nut, and Elite (B-rank). They task the players to hunt down various enemies in Shadowbringers areas. Players are awarded with Sack of Nuts Sacks of Nuts, Gil gil, and Experience EXP by completing them. The One-nut, Two-nut and Three-nut marks refresh daily, while the Elite (B-rank) mark bill is once per week.


Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks
Nuts to You Feature quest 70 Hume Lout Nutsy Clan Hunt
Two Nuts Too Nutty Feature quest 73 Halldor Two-nut Clan mark bills
How Do You Like Three Nuts Feature quest 76 Halldor Three-nut Clan mark bills
Too Many Nutters Feature quest 80 Halldor Shadowbringers Elite Marks

Elite Marks

B Rank

Name Rank Area Spawn (Trigger) Respawn Time
La Velue B Lakeland None 5 Seconds
Itzpapalotl B Lakeland None 5 Seconds
Domovoi B Il Mheg None 5 Seconds
Vulpangue B Il Mheg None 5 Seconds
Coquecigrue B Kholusia None 5 Seconds
Indomitable B Kholusia None 5 Seconds
Worm of the Well B Amh Araeng None 5 Seconds
Juggler Hecatomb B Amh Araeng None 5 Seconds
Mindmaker B The Rak'tika Greatwood None 5 Seconds
Pachamama B The Rak'tika Greatwood None 5 Seconds
Deacon B The Tempest None 5 Seconds
Gilshs Aath Swiftclaw B The Tempest None 5 Seconds

A Rank

Name Rank Area Spawn (Trigger) Respawn Time
Nariphon A Lakeland None 4 to 6 hours
Nuckelavee A Lakeland None 4 to 6 hours
O Poorest Pauldia A Il Mheg None 4 to 6 hours
The Mudman A Il Mheg None 4 to 6 hours
Li'l Murderer A Kholusia None 4 to 6 hours
Huracan A Kholusia None 4 to 6 hours
Maliktender A Amh Araeng None 4 to 6 hours
Sugaar A Amh Araeng None 4 to 6 hours
Grassman A The Rak'tika Greatwood None 4 to 6 hours
Supay A The Rak'tika Greatwood None 4 to 6 hours
Baal A The Tempest None 4 to 6 hours
Rusalka A The Tempest None 4 to 6 hours

S Rank

Powerful Marks

Name Rank Area Spawn (Trigger) Respawn Time (Hours)
Tyger S Lakeland Discard a Rail tenderloin icon1.png  Rail Tenderloin. 84-132; Maintenance: 50-80
Aglaope S Il Mheg Travel over spawn points with the Scarlet peacock icon2.png  Scarlet Peacock minion out. 84-132; Maintenance: 50-80
Forgiven Pedantry S Kholusia Gather 50 Dwarven cotton boll icon1.png  Dwarven Cotton Bolls. 84-132; Maintenance: 50-80
Tarchia S Amh Araeng Cast the blue mage action Self-destruct.png  Self-destruct on spawn points. 84-132; Maintenance: 50-80
Ixtab S The Rak'tika Greatwood Kill 100 Cracked Ronkan Dolls, 100 Cracked Ronkan Thorns and 100 Cracked Ronkan Vessels. 84-132; Maintenance: 50-80
Gunitt S The Tempest Drag 3 Deep-sea Leeches to a Clionid and get hit by its attack "Buccal Cones". 84-132; Maintenance: 50-80

Extraordinarily Powerful Marks

Name Rank Area Spawn (Trigger) Respawn Time
Forgiven Rebellion S Norvrandt When an S rank dies in Norvrandt, it has a chance to spawn Forgiven Gossips which spawn Forgiven Rebellion when killed. 84-132; Maintenance: 50-80

Locations of One-Three Nut Marks


Name Coordinates Level Clan Mark Bill Level Target #
Chiliad Cama (x19,y9) 71 1 2
Gnole (x14,y16) 71 3 1
Hoptrap (x32,y21) 71 1 3
Lake Viper (x22,y26) 71 1 2
Proterosuchus (x30,y17) 71 1 1
Smilodon (x13,y11) 71 1 2
Violet Triffid (x27,y23) 71 1 2
Wetland Warg (x22,y20) 71 1 2
White Gremlin (x37,y13) 71 3 2
Wolverine (x25,y35) 71 3 2
Ya-te-veo (x33,y18) 71 1 3


Name Coordinates Level Clan Mark Bill Level Target #
Cliffkite (x17,y10) 78 3 2
Cliffmole (x28,y11) 78 3 2
Defective Talos (x17,y18) 78 3 2
Germinant (x28,y33) 70 1 2
Gulgnu (x21,y8) 78 3 3
Highland Hyssop (x22,y13) 78 3 3
Hobgoblin (x34,y30) 70 1 3
Huldu (x11,y17) 78 3 3
Ironbeard (x29,y16) 78 3 1
Island Rail (x12,y27) 70 1 3
Island Wolf (x24,y25) 70 1 3
Kholusian Bison (x9,y28) 70 1 2
Maultasche (x33,y27) 70 1 2
Saichania (x13,y14) 78 3 1
Scree Gnome (x8,y18) 78 3 1
Sulphur Byrgen (x35,y11) 78 3 1
Tragopan (x19,y34) 70 3 1
Whiptail (x35,y23) 70 1 3
Wood Eyes (x12,y26) 70 1 2

Amh Araeng

Name Coordinates Level Clan Mark Bill Level Target #
Ancient Lizard (x29,y25) 70 1 3
Debitage (x11,y19) 76 2 1
Desert Coyote (x22,y11) 76 3 1
Evil Weapon (x22,y24) 76 3 2
Flame Zonure (x23,y35) 77 2 2
Ghilman (x26,y29) 70 1 1
Gigantender (x30,y17) 70 1 1
Gnome (x12,y21) 76 2 2
Masterless Talos (x12,y31) 77 2 1
Molamander (x23,y30) 77 3 3
Phorusrhacos (x15,y17) 76 2 2
Sand Mole (x28,y20) 70 3 3
Scissorjaws (x30,y26) 70 1 1
Thistle Mole (x12,y20) 76 3 2

Il Mheg

Name Coordinates Level Clan Mark Bill Level Target #
Echevore (x18,y31) 72 3 3
Etainmoth (x14,y27) 72 3 1
Flower Basket (x10,y33) 72 1 2
Garden Crocota (x33,y8) 73 2 2
Garden Porxie (x30,y14) 73 3 1
Green Glider (x31,y13) 73 2 2
Hawker (x7,y20) 72 1 1
Killer Bee (x9,y15) 72 1 1
Moss Fungus (x22,y8) 73 2 2
Phooka (x21,y18) 73 3 1
Rabbit's Tail (x33,y11) 73 2 1
Rainbow Lorikeet (x25,y11) 73 2 1
Rosebear (x19,y32) 72 1, 3 1
Tot Aevis (x24,y18) 73 2 1
Werewood (x30,y4) 73 2 2

The Rak'tika Greatwood

Name Coordinates Level Clan Mark Bill Level Target #
Atrociraptor (x12,y30) 74 2 2
Caracal (x23,y33) 75 2 1
Cracked Ronkan Doll (x25,y14) 75 2,3 1
Cracked Ronkan Thorn (x23,y15) 75 2,3 1
Cracked Ronkan Vessel (x29,y11) 75 2 1
Floor Mandrill (x34,y16) 75 2 1
Forest Echo (x27,y25) 75 2 2
Greatwood Rail (x25,y9) 75 2 1
Gizamaluk (x27,y26) 75 2 1
Helm Beetle (x15,y30) 74 2 2
Snapweed (x32,y24) 75 3 1
Tarichuk (x26,y22) 75 2 1
Tomatl (x10,y34) 74 2 2
Vampire Vine (x16,y34) 74 2 2
Wild Swine (x13,y20) 74 2 2
Woodbat (x25,y8) 75 3 2

The Tempest

Name Coordinates Level Clan Mark Bill Level Target #
Amphisbaena (x36,y12) 79 3 1
Blue Swimmer (x35,y6) 79 3 1
Clionid (x29,y4) 79 3 1
Cubus (x22,y32) 79 3 1
Dagon (x30,y14) 79 3 1
Morgawr (x30,y22) 79 3 1
Sea Anemone (x25,y18) 79 3 1
Sea Gelatin (x24,y7) 79 3 1
Tempest Swallow (x29,y15) 79 3 1
Trilobite (x35,y23) 79 3 2

Rewards and Experience Points Per Level

Once a player has at least one Disciple of War or Magic at level 76, they can obtain one hunt bill containing 5 hunts for each of the three Nutsy levels.

Level 1 hunt marks earn three sack of nuts per completed mark. Level 2 hunt marks earn four sack of nuts per completed mark. Level 3 hunt marks earn fifteen sack of nuts per completed mark. The weekly elite mark bill will reward 100 sacks of nuts for completing each mark. Completely all three marks will earn 110 sacks of nuts; along with the weekly mark will allow a maximum of 870 sacks of nuts per week.

Player Level One-nut Two-nut Three-nut Experience Per Day
70 64,800 64,800 64,800 972,000
71 65,232 65,232 65,232 978,480
72 65,664 65,664 65,664 984,960
73 66,096 66,096 66,096 991,440
74 66,096 66,528 66,528 995,760
75 66,096 66,960 66,960 1,000,080
76 66,096 67,392 67,392 1,004,400
77 66,096 67,392 67,824 1,006,560
78 66,096 67,392 68,256 1,010,720
79-90 66,096 67,392 68,688 1,010,880