Rival Wings

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Rival wings1.jpg
Hidden gorge1.jpg
Hidden gorge2.jpg

Rival Wings is a large-scale PvP battle involving up to 48 combatants. Participants are divided into two teams, the Falcons and the Ravens, comprised of six light parties each.

It is conceptually similar to a MOBA, where a player must destroy towers in three lanes to advance on an enemy base.



While there are two maps, only Hidden Gorge is currently available.

  • Hidden Gorge - During a Hidden Gorge campaign, teams vie for control of supplies delivered by ceruleum engines.
  • Astragalos (unavailable) - During an Astragalos campaign, each team attempts to destroy the core located on the opponent's base.


See also: Series Malmstones

When a Rival Wings match has ended, players will receive the following rewards:

Reward Victory Defeat Condition
PvP PvP EXP 1000 500
Series Malmstones Series EXP 1250 750
Wolf Mark Wolf Marks 1000 500
Experience PvE EXP Below the level-cap
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Allagan Tomestones of Poetics 50 50 Above level 50
Allagan Tomestones (uncapped type) 50 50 Level-capped
Allagan Tomestones (weekly capped type) 20 20 Level-capped


By both participating in and winning Rival Wings campaigns, players can receive achievements that reward special mounts and titles.

Main article: PvP Achievements
Name Points Task Reward Patch
Die another day i icon1.png  Die Another Day I 5 Emerge victorious in a Rival Wings campaign. - 4.15
Die another day ii icon1.png  Die Another Day II 5 Emerge victorious in a Rival Wings campaign 50 times. - 4.15
Die another day iii icon1.png  Die Another Day III 5 Emerge victorious in a Rival Wings campaign 100 times. Magitek avenger identification key icon1.png  Magitek Avenger Identification Key 4.15
Die another day iv icon1.png  Die Another Day IV 10 Emerge victorious in a Rival Wings campaign 500 times. - 4.15
Die another day v icon1.png  Die Another Day V 20 Emerge victorious in a Rival Wings campaign 1,000 times. Achievement title icon.png Wings of Fire 4.15
Roll the dice i icon1.png  Roll the Dice I 5 Participate in a Rival Wings campaign. - 4.15
Roll the dice ii icon1.png  Roll the Dice II 5 Participate in a Rival Wings campaign 50 times. - 4.15
Roll the dice iii icon1.png  Roll the Dice III 5 Participate in a Rival Wings campaign 100 times. - 4.15
Roll the dice iv icon1.png  Roll the Dice IV 10 Participate in a Rival Wings campaign 500 times. - 4.15
Roll the dice v icon1.png  Roll the Dice V 20 Participate in a Rival Wings campaign 1,000 times. Achievement title icon.png Wings of Steel 4.15
Out of hiding icon1.png  Out of Hiding 5 Emerge victorious in a Hidden Gorge campaign 100 times. Magitek avenger a1 identification key icon1.png  Magitek Avenger A1 Identification Key 4.55


Role Damage Taken Modifier
Tank role.png Tank
Melee DPS role.png Melee DPS
Physical Ranged DPS role.png Physical Ranged DPS
Magic Ranged DPS role.png Magical Ranged DPS
Healer role.png Healer