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Fishing Log: The Isle of Zekki

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Revision as of 04:22, 17 September 2024 by Knightkamia (talk | contribs) (→‎Fish)
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Fishing Icon.png

Fishing Log: The Isle of Zekki

The Ruby Sea - The Isle of Zekki.jpg

Ocean fishing
The Ruby Sea (X:8.3, Y:26.6)


Fish Preferred Bait Bite Hookset Weather Time Other Conditions/Notes Required Tomes
Ruby shrimp icon1.png  Ruby Shrimp Live shrimp icon1.png  Live Shrimp ! Precision Hookset.png  
Daio squid icon1.png  Daio Squid Bream lure icon1.png  Bream Lure !! Powerful Hookset.png  
Koromo octopus icon1.png  Koromo Octopus Bream lure icon1.png  Bream Lure !! Powerful Hookset.png  
Zekki grouper icon1.png  Zekki Grouper Ruby shrimp icon1.png  Ruby Shrimp
(Mooch: Live shrimp icon1.png  > Ruby shrimp icon1.png )
!! Powerful Hookset.png  
Zekki gator icon1.png  Zekki Gator Ruby shrimp icon1.png  Ruby Shrimp
(Mooch: Live shrimp icon1.png  > Ruby shrimp icon1.png )
!!! Powerful Hookset.png  
Rakshasa icon1.png  Rakshasa Ruby shrimp icon1.png  Ruby Shrimp
(Mooch: Live shrimp icon1.png  > Ruby shrimp icon1.png )
!!! Powerful Hookset.png   Thunder weather.png Mooch required Tome of ichthyological folklore - othard icon1.png  Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Othard

Bait Used