Command Missions

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Command missions1.jpg

Put your squadron's training to the test with command missions─four-man unit operations that will take you on forays into perilous dungeons. With an increased level cap and the option to glamour your squadron's equipment, now is your chance to impress the higher-ups and make a name for yourself in your Grand Company.

Patch 4.1 Special Site

Command Missions is a feature of Adventurer Squadrons released in patch 4.1 of Stormblood. It allows the player to enter an dungeon with 3 unit members. While unit members have their own free will, responding as the situation demands, they can be given orders to guide their actions.


  • Squadron Rank 2 or above
  • Listen to the squadron sergeant's explanation about new missions

Eligible Dungeons

Dungeon Level iLvl Expenditures Squadron EXP
Halatali 20 Company seal 1,000 Adventurer Squadrons 4,500
The Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak 24 Company seal 1,200 Adventurer Squadrons 5,400
Brayflox's Longstop 32 Company seal 1,600 Adventurer Squadrons 7,200
The Stone Vigil 41 Company seal 2,000 Adventurer Squadrons 9,000
Dzemael Darkhold 44 Company seal 2,200 Adventurer Squadrons 9,900
The Aurum Vale 47 Company seal 2,400 Adventurer Squadrons 10,800
The Wanderer's Palace 50 110 Company seal 2,500 Adventurer Squadrons 11,250
Pharos Sirius 50 110 Company seal 2,500 Adventurer Squadrons 11,250
Copperbell Mines (Hard) 50 110 Company seal 2,500 Adventurer Squadrons 11,250
Brayflox's Longstop (Hard) 50 110 Company seal 2,500 Adventurer Squadrons 11,250
The Wanderer's Palace (Hard) 50 Company seal 2,500 Adventurer Squadrons 11,250
Sohm Al 53 Company seal 2,800 Adventurer Squadrons 12,600
The Vault 57 Company seal 3,000 Adventurer Squadrons 13,500
The Fractal Continuum 60 210 Company seal 3,500 Adventurer Squadrons 15,750
Pharos Sirius (Hard) 60 240 Company seal 3,500 Adventurer Squadrons 15,750
  • Players must have unlocked these dungeons prior to deploying command missions.
  • Party composition restricted to 1 Healer role.png Healer, 1 Tank role.png Tank, and 2 DPS role.png DPS.

Forming a Party

To start a command mission, a party of one tank, one healer, and two DPS is required. This includes the player's role.

1. Select "Command missions" after speaking with the squadron sergeant.

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2. Select a command mission from the list.

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3. Choose the unit members you wish to take, and select "Deploy."

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4. You will now enter the command mission with the selected unit members.

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Giving Orders

The Orders hotbar will appear upon entering a command mission, and includes the various Order actions.

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The available Orders are as follows:

Engage - Tells your unit to attack the targeted enemy.

Disengage - Disengage tells your unit to break off combat and regroup near you. While Disengage is in effect, it will be replaced with the order Re-engage. The Disengage status can be lifted by issuing either the Engage or Re-engage order.

Re-engage - Lifts the Disengage status.

Execute Limit Break - Causes all unit members to perform the Ungarmax icon1.png  Ungarmax limit break when the casting time has ended. This costs one level of the limit gauge.

Ungarmax deals single-target damage and grants Damage up icon1.png Damage Up to the entire party for 15 seconds.

Orders can be set to your other hotbars by selecting them from the Orders interface found within Actions & Traits. There is also an action for toggling the Orders hotbar, which can be set to hotbars.

Battle Tactics

Battle Tactics govern unit members' behavior during a command mission. New battle tactics may be acquired by completing command missions. One battle tactic can be assigned to each unit member.

Speak with a unit member and select Display Orders from the enlistment papers.

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Selecting Display Orders opens the Specify Battle Tactics

  • Initially, only the Independent battle tactic is available.

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When a command mission is completed, each unit member has a chance to either learn a new tactic, or raise the level of 1 already-learned tactic at random.

Tactics will adjust the unit member's performance as follows:

Tactic Level HP Damage Dealt Damage Received
Independent 1 +4% +4% -4%
2 +8% +8% -8%
3 +12% +12% -12%
4 +16% +16% -16%
5 +20% +20% -20%
Offensive 1 - +12% -
2 - +24% -
3 - +36% -
4 - +48% -
5 - +60% -
Defensive 1 +6% - -6%
2 +12% - -12%
3 +18% - -18%
4 +24% - -24%
5 +30% - -30%
Balanced 1 +6% +6% -
2 +12% +12% -
3 +18% +18% -
4 +24% +24% -
5 +30% +30% -

Tips and Tricks

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Unit members have much-higher defenses than players, and are unaffected by several fight mechanics, such as The Aurum Vale's Burrs.png Burrs debuff.

  • Unit members do not attempt to resolve fight mechanics, so it is fully on the player to do so when necessary. In some cases, this may require telling the squadron to disengage (example: telling them to not stand in the electrified water in Halatali).
  • When bosses target a party member to perform a mechanic on, they will always choose you, and never an NPC member.
  • Mechanics that require two players will simply never occur (example: The last boss of The Vault will never cast Holy Chain).

Unit members use old versions of job actions that are no longer available to players - for example, Marauder frame icon.png Marauder's Overpower.png  Overpower hits in a cone in front of them, rather than a circle around them; Gladiator frame icon.png Gladiators use Flash.png  Flash; Arcanist frame icon.png Arcanists use Shadow Flare.png  Shadow Flare.

Tactics-wise, it is generally best to set the Offensive tactic on all unit members (including tanks and healers), as they are already very bulky. This can allow for faster dungeon clears, as well.

  • The Offensive tactic will also increase the amount of healing the healer does.

Arcanist frame icon.png Arcanists are very effective unit members, as they frequently use AoEs to defeat enemies quickly. They also apply Slow icon1.png Slow and occasionally heal with Physick.png  Physick, making the healer's job easier.

  • Arcanists use Shadow Flare.png  Shadow Flare, which leaves a damage-over-time zone on the ground. Try to lure enemies into this for extra damage.

When pulling packs of enemies, using the Engage action will tell the tank to pull them. If playing as DPS or healer, make sure to do this instead of attempting to pull packs yourself, as to not draw too much enmity to yourself.

The healer can occasionally react too slowly to the party taking damage. There are some measures to help them out:

  • Bring an Arcanist frame icon.png Arcanist, as mentioned above.
  • Try to limit tank pulls to single or double packs. Avoid full wall-to-wall pulls.

If your healer is incapacitated during a command mission, consumable items such as Phoenix down icon1.png  Phoenix Down and High-grade company-issue tonic icon1.png  High-grade Company-issue Tonic can be used to revive them. If you have no means to revive unit members, any which are incapacitated will remain so until the player is incapacitated, at which time the full party will be returned to the start of the dungeon.

Ungarmax icon1.png  Ungarmax is significantly stronger than the player's own limit break, and it only uses 1 bar instead of all bars. Try to use it at the start of a boss fight, to make the most of the 15-second Damage up icon1.png Damage Up buff.

  • If you have any damage-over-time effects, try to apply them after this buff activates, to snapshot the buffed state.


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Completing Command Missions rewards all standard dungeon loot and Experience character XP, plus Adventurer Squadrons Squadron XP for all squadmates, and potential for additional loot such as High-grade company-issue tonic icon1.png  High-grade Company-issue Tonic and Grand Company Aetheryte Tickets. Chemistry bonuses that grant additional rewards such as Materia can also trigger from Command Mission completion. Squadron members may also gain new Battle Tactics or increase Mastery for existing Battle Tactics; see the Battle Tactics section above for details on how Battle Tactics work.

In summary;
