Ul'dah - Steps of Thal
Ul'dah - Steps of Thal is a zone in the city of Ul'dah in Thanalan.
Gridania and Limsa Lominsa via airship after completing the Main Scenario Quest quest The Gridanian Envoy, The Ul'dahn Envoy, or The Lominsan Envoy
Weather Conditions
Shops and Services
- Chachabi <Retainer Vocate>
- Fridurih <Tradecraft Merchant>
- Rarakiya <Apothecary>
- Lolonu <Independent Jeweler>
- Gwalter <Battlecraft Armorer>
- Nanabe <Independent Merchant>
- Yoyobasa <Fieldcraft Merchant>
- Averitt <Independent Arms Mender>
- Jealous Juggernaut <Independent Arms Merchant>
- Gigima <Guild Supplier>
- Maronne <Guild Receptionist>
- Calamity Salvager
- Jemime <Guild Receptionist>
- Aistan <Guild Supplier>
- Sileas <Jeweler>