List of black mage traits

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PvE traits

Trait Acquired Quest requirement Level Effect
Aspect Mastery.png  Aspect Mastery Thaumaturge frame icon.png THM 1 Casting of certain fire and ice spells will grant a stack of Astral Fire and Umbral Ice respectively.
Maximum Stacks: 1
Duration: 15s
While under the effect of Astral Fire, the cost of casting Fire spells is doubled, MP recovery is reduced to 0, and the potency of Ice spells is reduced by 10%.
While under the effect of Umbral Ice, the cost of casting Ice spells is reduced to 0, 2,500 MP is recovered upon landing an Ice spell, and the potency of Fire spells is reduced by 10%.
Maim and Mend.png  Maim and Mend Conjurer frame icon.png CNJ
Arcanist frame icon.png ACN
Red Mage frame icon.png RDM
Sage frame icon.png SGE
Astrologian frame icon.png AST
Thaumaturge frame icon.png THM
Pictomancer frame icon.png PCT
20 Increases base action damage and HP restoration by 10%.
Arcanist: Also increases base damage and HP restoration of your pet by 10%
Aspect Mastery II.png  Aspect Mastery II Thaumaturge frame icon.png THM 20 Allows the stacking of a second Astral Fire and Umbral Ice.
While under the effect of Astral Fire, the potency of Fire spells is increased by 60% and the potency of Ice spells is reduced by 20%.
While under the effect of Umbral Ice, 5,000 MP is recovered upon landing an Ice spell and the potency of Fire spells is reduced by 20%.
Aspect Mastery III.png  Aspect Mastery III Thaumaturge frame icon.png THM 35 Allows the stacking of a third Astral Fire and Umbral Ice.
Casting Fire II or Blizzard II grants maximum stacks of Astral Fire or Umbral Ice respectively.
While under the effect of Astral Fire III, the potency of Fire spells is increased by 80%, and the cast time of Ice spells is halved and potency lowered by 30%.
While under the effect of Umbral Ice III, 10,000 MP is recovered upon landing an Ice spell, and the cast time of Fire spells is halved and potency lowered by 30%.
Maim and Mend II.png  Maim and Mend II Conjurer frame icon.png CNJ
Arcanist frame icon.png ACN
Red Mage frame icon.png RDM
Sage frame icon.png SGE
Astrologian frame icon.png AST
Thaumaturge frame icon.png THM
Pictomancer frame icon.png PCT
40 Increases base action damage and HP restoration by 30%.
Arcanist: Also increases base damage and HP restoration of your pet by 30%
Firestarter.png  Firestarter Thaumaturge frame icon.png THM 42 Grants a 40% chance that after casting Fire, your next Fire III will require no MP and have no casting time.
Duration: 30s
Thunder Mastery.png  Thunder Mastery Black Mage frame icon.png BLM 1Quest: The Voidgate Breathes Gloomy 45 Upgrades Thunder to Thunder III.
Enochian.png  Enochian Black Mage frame icon.png BLM 1Quest: Black Squawk Down 56 Increases damage dealt by 5% while under the effect of Astral Fire or Umbral Ice.
Enhanced Freeze.png  Enhanced Freeze Black Mage frame icon.png BLM 58 Grants 3 Umbral Hearts upon casting Freeze.
Thunder Mastery II.png  Thunder Mastery II Black Mage frame icon.png BLM 64 Upgrades Thunder II to Thunder IV.
Enhanced Enochian.png  Enhanced Enochian Black Mage frame icon.png BLM 1Quest: One Golem to Rule Them All 70 Grants the effect of Polyglot upon maintaining Enochian for 30 seconds. Also improves Enochian's magic damage increase to 10%.
Enhanced Enochian II.png  Enhanced Enochian II Black Mage frame icon.png BLM 78 Improves Enochian's magic damage increase to 15%.
Enhanced Polyglot.png  Enhanced Polyglot Black Mage frame icon.png BLM 80 Allows the stacking of a second Polyglot.
Enhanced Foul.png  Enhanced Foul Black Mage frame icon.png BLM 80 Allows for the immediate casting of Foul.
Aspect Mastery IV.png  Aspect Mastery IV Black Mage frame icon.png BLM 82 Upgrades Fire II and Blizzard II to High Fire II and High Blizzard II.
Enhanced Manafont.png  Enhanced Manafont Black Mage frame icon.png BLM 84 Reduces Manafont recast time to 100 seconds.
Enhanced Enochian III.png  Enhanced Enochian III Black Mage frame icon.png BLM 86 Improves Enochian's magic damage increase to 25%.
Aspect Mastery V.png  Aspect Mastery V Black Mage frame icon.png BLM 90 Adds a Paradox marker to your Elemental Gauge.
The marker is made active after reaching Astral Fire III then swapping to the opposite element. Conversely, the marker can also be made active after reaching Umbral Ice III and gaining 3 Umbral Hearts then swapping to the opposite element. The marker is made inactive when the effect of Astral Fire or Umbral Ice expires.
Fire and Blizzard become Paradox when the Paradox marker is made active.

PvP traits