Castrum Meridianum

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Castrum Meridianum is a level 50 dungeon. It requires a light part of 4 players. Castrum Meridianum is unlocked through the main story quests.


The Black Eft

Magitek Vanguard F-I

Magitek Colossus Rubricatus



So begins the third phase of Operation: Archon, which entails a frontal assault upon Castrum Meridianum, Gaius van Baelsar's seat of power. Forming the main thrust, the Immortal Flames will strike at the stronghold with all their strength, though this is but a feint. While the garrison's eyes are drawn outwards, you and your comrades must steal past its defenses and attempt to deactivate the magitek field which protects the Praetorium, the fortress within a fortress wherein the Ultima Weapon is believed to be housed.
