Limit Break
Limit Breaks are group oriented ultimate abilities that can alter the outcome of battle. They can be performed after charging up a limit break meter.
Limit Breaks are specific to each party role. Tank limit breaks reduce the damage taken for the entire party for a short time. Damage Dealer limit breaks deal a massive amount of single target damage. Caster limit deal devastating area of effect damage. Healer limit breaks restore HP and MP to the entire party.
- For example, Monk and Dragoon are both damage dealers. They can both use damage dealer limit breaks such as Bladedance or Final Heaven.
Limit Breaks are only usable in a party environment. There are 3 levels of limit breaks, the 1st level can be used in a party with 4 or more members, the 2nd level needs a full party of 8 members, the 3rd level requires a full raid of 24 players.
Tank Limit Breaks
Shield Wall
Shield Wall is the level 1 limit break for tanks. It reduces damage taken for all party members by 10% for 10 seconds.