Free Company Airships

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Free Company Airships built from Free Company Crafting can undertake Exploratory Voyages, the exploration of uncharted lands in The Sea of Clouds. These explorations are carried out automatically, with airships returning after a fixed amount of time. Upon completion of an exploratory voyage, you will be provided with a voyage log detailing the results. You will also receive various items depending on the results of the voyage. As you continue to deploy airships on voyages, you will eventually discover new areas to survey.

Craft and Deploy Airships

Free Company Crafting in the Company Workshop is needed to craft and register airships using requisite components and flight credits. Each airship is built with 4 components: Hull, Rigging, Forecastle and Aftcastle. Each component has many types and requires numerous materials, multiple phases, lengthy wait time and a group of crafters to build. Note that you cannot build HQ components with HQ materials.

Airships require Ceruleum Tanks to be deployed on exploratory voyages. They can be purchased using company credits from the resident caretaker in any of the housing districts.

Airship Stats and Performance

The combination of parts used to build an airship will determine the distances it can travel, as well as the rewards you will receive from voyages.


When a voyage is complete, airships will gain experience points depending on its selected flight path, and eventually increase in rank. Higher rankings will allow you to outfit airships with new components to improve their performance on future voyages.


The stats of an airship affect the distance it can travel, the time required for voyages, as well as the rewards received from voyages. Stats of an airship can be altered by changing its components.

Stat Effect
Surveillance Influences the probability of gathering a 2nd item per sector. May also influence the probability of finding new sectors.
Retrieval Increases item extraction rating (higher quantities of a specific item).
Speed Influences voyage duration.
Range Allows you to visit more sectors per voyage.
Favor Weather?????

Airship Components

Airships are comprised of four primary parts—the hull, rigging, forecastle, and aftcastle. Bear in mind that durability of these parts will be depleted when sending airships out on exploratory voyages. When the durability of any given part reaches zero, it will need to be replaced or repaired.


The rank required to use airship components.

Component Costs and Airframe Capacity

When assembling an airship, the total cost of the components cannot exceed the airframe capacity. The airframe capacity increases with the rank of the airship.


Sector Items Found
1 Wind Crystal, Lightning Crystal, Bamboo Weave, Vivianite, Vitality Materia III, Ferberite Dexterity Materia III
2 Fire Crystal, Vivianite, Bamboo Weave, Quicktongue Materia III, Gold Ore
3 Red Moko Grass, Balsa Wood Scrap, Craftsman's Competence Materia III
4 Water Crystal, Red Moko Grass, Balsa Wood Lumber, Fine Alumen, Scarlet Sap, Gatherer's Grasp Materia III, Gatherer's Grasp Materia II
5 Lightning Crystal, Wind Crystal, Empty Crystal, Deep Red Crystal, Birch Branch, Vitality Materia III, Savage Might Materia III
6 Deep Green Crystal, Empty Crystal, Dark Chestnut Branch, Piety Materia III
7 Ferberite, Deep Blue Crystal, Red Clay