The Song Begins
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The Song Begins
- Quest giver
- Estinien
- Location
- Foundation (X:13, Y:11)
- Quest line
- Heavensward Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 55
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Into the Aery
- Next quest
Unrest in Ishgard
I Won't Leaf You Behind
Something in the Water
Moogles' Marvelous Medicine
Worried Sick
A Secret from Everyone
Mallow in Sadness
An Immaculate Home
Just Another Bug Hunt
Wyvern Let Die
Root Maneuvers
Back to Baskets
If Living Is Without Nuts
The Nest Episode
There Will Be Blades
No Country for Young Moogles
The Mog Squad Assembles
Branching Out
What Learning Entails
A Rocky Start
Seedy Business
The Sins of Our Landlords
Unwanted Attention
Walking on Eggshells
It's Not a Bug, It's a Creature
A Frightening Field Trip
Give Back My Precious
Protecting the Pom
Save the Pomguard
An Urgent Message
An Uneasy Feeling
A Moogle's Intuition
Trouble at Zenith
- Patch
- 3.0
Main Scenario Progress: 297 / 960 (30.9%)
Heavensward Progress: 56 / 138 (40.6%)
“— In-game description
- Speak with Ysayle.
- It would seem that Estinien cannot rest until he has prised the truth from Hraesvelgr -- and he would have Lady Iceheart present to hear the final chapter of the tale. Travel to Zenith in the Churning Mists and seek out Ysayle.
- You rejoin Ysayle at Zenith, and once more sound the horn to summon Hraesvelgr. As before, the great wyrm's presence stirs the dormant power of the Echo, and you are visited with a vision from a thousand years past. In the scene which unfolds before you, Hraesvelgr surrenders an eye to his vengeful brood-brother, condemning the people of Ishgard to an eternity of suffering... At last, you know the truth of the Dragonsong War's beginnings.
Accepting the Quest
Estinien: With Nidhogg fallen, none save Hraesvelgr remains to answer our questions. Let us trouble the wyrm again. Estinien: And if Iceheart yet lingers at Zenith, all the better. I would have her hear the truth from the dragon's maw.
(Optional) Estinien: ...She has scarce moved since last we parted. Hmph. Hraesvelgr's confession will soon shake her from her stupor.
Speaking with Ysayle (Cutscene)
Ysayle: 'Twas you, was it not? The furious screams of the dragons carried far... Ysayle: You have slain Nidhogg—what more could you desire from this place? Will you not allow Hraesvelgr to mourn the death of his kin in peace!?
Estinien: Spare us your sanctimonious judgment, ice maiden. We have a gift for the great wyrm...and a mystery that can no longer lie buried. Estinien: Lady Iceheart─the Dragonsong War has all but consumed your life and claimed many of your followers. 'Tis time you learned the truth of its beginning─the whole truth─that we may at last bring this bitter conflict to an end. Estinien: Sound the horn, Warrior of Light!
Cutscene start
Hraesvelgr: Impenitent mortals, ever seeking to bury old wrongs under new Hraesvelgr: I did sense the moment of Nidhogg's demise...
Estinien: You mean the moment I prised your eye from his head?
Hraesvelgr: 'Twould seem thou hast uncovered my secret. Aye. Unto the blinded Nidhogg did I yield one half of my strength...
Hraesvelgr: Nidhogg... What hath befallen thee?
Nidhogg: We are undone by covetous mortals. They did take Ratatoskr's eyes...and glut their appetites upon her essence...
Hraesvelgr: She is slain, then? What madness hath unmade our peaceful accord!?
Nidhogg: Did I not warn thee, brood-brother? They have been untrustworthy creatures, these short-lived Elezen. Nidhogg: But thou wert enchanted by thy mortal maid. Thy folly hath cost Ratatoskr her life, and me mine eyes...
Hraesvelgr: Oh, my beloved Shiva... How swiftly are thy kin made bestial by their appetites.
Nidhogg: Hraesvelgr. 'Twas thy blindness that did invite disaster into our lands. Surrender thee an eye to me, and let that be thy penance.
Hraesvelgr: Nidhogg...
Nidhogg: They bested me once, but I was reckless. I shall need but a single eye to inflict enduring torment upon these traitors and every child of their line! Nidhogg: Yield to me thy strength, brood-brother! Nidhogg: My vengeance is begun!
Echo end
Hraesvelgr: Thou hast born witness to a scene from my past.
Ysayle: It was yours... Your strength that sustained Nidhogg all these years...
Estinien: Would that Haldrath had dealt the wyrm a killing blow...
Hraesvelgr: When my brood-brother did appear before me, bloody and blinded, his life was all but spent. He demanded half my vigor, that he might exact his revenge upon the mortals who had wronged us.
Ysayle: And so you acquiesced! You surrendered your eye to Nidhogg knowing full well the suffering he would inflict!
Hraesvelgr: The peace my beloved so dearly desired had been shattered by her own kin. Hraesvelgr: Their treachery claimed my brood-sister's life and my brood-brother's reason! Thinkest thou thy fits of indignation will move me to remorse!? Hraesvelgr: Go, mortals! Take your unruly passions and leave this place... Your presence here spelleth naught but misery. Hraesvelgr: Were it not for Shiva's soothing embrace, I would slay you where you stand. Woe betide you should the bond we share ever weaken!