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Already fattened from an abundance of prey within Toto-Rak, this banemite gained further girth and unnatural ferocity through the Ascian Lahabrea’s dark powers. In the wake of this incident, the Order of the Twin Adder conducted a thorough sweep of the dungeon, destroying all of the vilekin to the last egg.

— In-game description

Graffias is a boss in The Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak.


Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Gladiators frostbite arms (lv. 24) icon1.png  Gladiator's Frostbite Arms (Lv. 24) Other N/A BGreen 1
Elmlords tusk icon1.png  Elmlord's Tusk Marauder's Arm 26 BGreen 1
Crimson tide icon1.png  Crimson Tide Lancer's Arm 26 BGreen 1
Howling talons icon1.png  Howling Talons Pugilist's Arm 26 BGreen 1
Antares needles icon1.png  Antares Needles Rogue's Arm 26 BGreen 1
Bow of owls icon1.png  Bow of Owls Archer's Arm 26 BGreen 1
Taurus staff icon1.png  Taurus Staff Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 26 BGreen 1
Pupils book of brass icon1.png  Pupil's Book of Brass Arcanist's Grimoire 26 BGreen 1
Kple kple icon1.png  Kple Kple Two-handed Conjurer's Arm 26 BGreen 1
Thalassian targe icon1.png  Thalassian Targe Shield 26 BGreen 1
Wardens leggings icon1.png  Warden's Leggings Feet 26 BGreen 1
Brigands leggings icon1.png  Brigand's Leggings Feet 26 BGreen 1
Torturers duckbills icon1.png  Torturer's Duckbills Feet 26 BGreen 1
A thousand screams orchestrion roll icon1.png  A Thousand Screams Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll N/A ABasic 1


Zone Coordinates Level range
The Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak Unknown 23


Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Into the Beast's Maw Main Scenario quest 24 Buscarron

Additional Information