Laying the Foundation
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Laying the Foundation
- Quest giver
- Minfilia Warde
- Location
- The Waking Sands (X:6.9, Y:6.1)
- Quest line
- Seventh Astral Era
- Level
- 50
- Required items
- 1 Sealed Documents
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
All Things in Time
- Next quest
It's Possibly a Primal
- Patch
- 2.1
- Links
Main Scenario Progress: 165 / 960 (17.2%)
A Realm Reborn Progress: 165 / 241 (68.5%)
“— In-game description
- Choose one of the following options:
- 1 Darklight Choker of Aiming
- 1 Darklight Choker of Healing
- 1 Darklight Choker of Casting
- 3 Allagan Bronze Piece
Minfilia is in The Solar.
- Speak with Minfilia.
- Deliver the documents to Slafborn in Revenant's Toll.
- Alphinaud's efforts having proved successful, the Scions have secured a new location for their headquarters: Revenant's Toll in Mor Dhona. Minfilia would begin preparations for the move immediately, as there is much that still must be done. Pay visit to her and see if there is aught you might do to be of service.
- Minfilia has entrusted you with a number of documents pertaining to the forthcoming move to Mor Dhona. You are to deliver them to Slafborn at Revenant's Toll, in accordance with the agreement between the Scions and the Adventurers' Guild.
- Slafborn is pleased that you were the Scion chosen to represent the order in Revenant's Toll, and waggishly declares that he intends to impose the work of a dozen men upon you, though he subsequently claims to be jesting. At any rate, it would appear the Scions' long-awaited relocation effort can finally begin in earnest.
Accepting the Quest (Cutscene)
Minfilia: It is all well and good that we have found ourselves a new home in Revenant's Toll. But there is so much to be done─and in so little time. Minfilia: Our first step will be to secure the cooperation of the Adventurers' Guild representatives there. Minfilia: Were it not for the guild's considerable efforts, the original Camp Revenant's Toll would have never been established, much less its more heavily fortified successor. Minfilia: However, with construction still ongoing, and resources in short supply, it seems certain that the guild will require something in return for their support, sympathetic to our cause though they may be. Minfilia: Whatever they ask, I shall not begrudge it. To be plain, we need them more than they need us. Without their assistance, such essential tasks as securing new facilities, cultivating relationships with local merchants, and recruiting adventurers would prove difficult, if not impossible.
Alphinaud: You need not concern yourself with such matters, Antecedent.
Minfilia: Really, Alphinaud─if I need concern myself with anything, it is surely matters such as these.
Alphinaud: Indirectly, perhaps. I submit that you might instead concern yourself with a different matter: namely, to whom the resolution of such matters might best be entrusted. And here I am! Nor do I come alone. May I present the esteemed emissary of the Adventurers' Guild at Revenant's Toll.
Adventurers' Guild Emissary: It is an honor, Antecedent. Upon receiving word of your intentions from Master Alphinaud, we thought it best to begin talks at the earliest available opportunity. Adventurers' Guild Emissary: Know that my associates at Revenant's Toll hold the Scions of the Seventh Dawn in the highest regard. We should be honored to welcome your organization.
Alphinaud: There are, of course, certain provisions which must needs be negotiated. If it please you, I would do so.
Minfilia: It does.
Adventurers' Guild Emissary: Madam/sir, unless I am much mistaken, you are the one known as [Forename], are you not? May I say what a pleasure it is to make your acquaintance. Adventurers' Guild Emissary: Slafborn spoke of you in the most glowing terms. To steal an imperial reaper and then use it to infiltrate a Garlean castrum is an undertaking few would contemplate─and fewer still survive. Adventurers' Guild Emissary: You shall always be welcome at Revenant's Toll. We hope you will favor us with your presence again ere long.
Minfilia: Well, well! It would seem your reputation precedes you, [Forename]! Mayhap I should dispatch you to Revenant's Toll with all haste, as first intended... Minfilia: But before that, I daresay you have earned yourself a rest. After all, you have traveled so far, and there is already so much you have done for us...and for me. Minfilia: We will speak again anon. Till then, take care.
Minfilia: Ah, [Forename]. Were you able to get some rest? I would ask you to come with me to the solar. Alphinaud has just returned, and it would seem there is something he would share with us.
Alphinaud: You're here. Good. I come bearing news. Alphinaud: The negotiations are concluded.
Minfilia: And?
Alphinaud: Our friends at the Adventurers' Guild have agreed to furnish us with new facilities and material support in exchange for our assistance in the ongoing defense and development of Revenant's Toll. Alphinaud: The Scions of the Seventh Dawn shall have a new home in Mor Dhona: the Rising Stones.
Y'shtola: A bittersweet victory, if truth be told. I cannot deny that I had come to look forward to Tataru's tales of our many guests and their many, many demands.
Thancred: From the Waking Sands to the Rising Stones... Passably poetic. That wasn't your doing, was it?
Minfilia: I too have news to share. In expectation of this momentous day, I personally informed the Alliance leaders of our plans, and they have each pledged their full support─General Raubahn included. Minfilia: Moreover, I have decided that the time is right for us to cast off the vestiges of our order's veil of secrecy and announce ourselves to the world.
Alphinaud: Are you sure that is wise, Antecedent?
Minfilia: If anything, it is a mere formality. Our existence is quite possibly the worst kept secret in Eorzea. Minfilia: Let us affirm our identity, proclaim our achievements, that all may know what the Scions of the Seventh Dawn stand for!
Papalymo: Well...obvious risks apart, it would be nice to receive a little more recognition...
Yda: And the people have a right to know who saved them!
Minfilia: It is my hope that this gesture will encourage the people of Eorzea to place their trust in us. I would reveal to them the true extent of our power, yes, but in so doing, I would show them that it is a power accountable to no one, and at once to all. Minfilia: ...And what of us? We who have felled primals and faced down the Empire. To you, my fellow Scions, I would say this: prepare for the challenges which lie ahead, for they will be great indeed. Minfilia: Great, I say, yet no greater than us. And we will rise to them, as we have time and again...united as one!
Tataru: Hmm... There must be some way I can─ Wait, that area is said to be rich in minerals. Maybe I should ask F'lhaminn to teach me the basics of mining too...
Speaking with Minfilia
Minfilia: Do you ever wonder how he does it? Alphinaud, I mean. It was almost predictable that he should appear with an emissary of the Adventurers' Guild mere moments after I had expressed the need to forge ties between our organizations. Truly, his sense of timing rivals even your own... Minfilia: Setting such mysteries aside for the present─I have a task for you. Minfilia: I would like you to deliver these documents to Slafborn. They concern our forthcoming move. Do take care on the road, and represent us well, [Forename].
Optional Dialogue in the Waking Sands
F'lhaminn: How she has grown since last we spoke... She puts me to shame with her accomplishments, and for that I am full glad.
Delivering the documents to Slafborn
Slafborn: I was told to expect a Scion, but I didn't expect it to be you. It has been far too long, [Forename]. You have something for me, yes? <Hand Over Sealed Documents> Slafborn: Let's see, now... Yes, everything appears to be in order. Slafborn: You'll be staying with us for a while, yes? Would that we had a dozen more like you. Since we don't, though, we'll just give you the work of a dozen men. Heh! I jest, I jest...