All Due Respect
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All Due Respect
- Quest giver
- Alphinaud
- Location
- Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (X:11.7, Y:9.6)
- Quest line
- Seventh Astral Era
- Level
- 50
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Why We Adventure
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The Sea Rises
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- 2.2
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Main Scenario Progress: 178 / 960 (18.5%)
A Realm Reborn Progress: 178 / 241 (73.9%)
“Alphinaud would have you and Yugiri depart for Revenant's Toll without delay.
— In-game description
- Speak with Slafborn in Revenant's Toll.
- Speak with Yugiri.
- Speak with Minfilia in the Rising Stones.
- Speak with Minfilia.
- Alphinaud would have you and Yugiri depart for Revenant's Toll without delay.
- Alphinaud believes it would be for the best if Yugiri made her formal introductions to the leaders of Revenant's Toll at the first opportunity. The Doman delegation would require an escort, of course, and he can think of no better man/woman for the job. Make your way to Revenant's Toll and speak with Slafborn.
- Slafborn warmly welcomes Yugiri to Revenant's Toll, insisting that they dispense with unnecessary formality and treat each other as equals. Having paid your respects to the guild representative, ask Yugiri if she is ready to meet with Minfilia.
- Deep in thought, Yugiri requests a moment's privacy, assuring you that she will join you anon. Enter the Rising Stones and look for Minfilia in the solar.
- You find Minfilia attempting to contact the Students of Baldesion via linkpearl─more, you suspect, out of habit than hope. After briefly speculating upon their fate, she changes the subject and asks about the Domans─to which you reply that Yugiri will arrive at any moment. In the subsequent meeting, Minfilia assures Yugiri that she will do her utmost to accommodate her people, as well as any others who may follow. With formal introductions now complete, the guild emissary departs to greet the first wave of refugees. The Antecedent, however, is clearly concerned about something else. Speak with her and see what weighs on her mind.
- Y'shtola returns from her investigation in Vylbrand, having confirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Serpent Reavers were behind the crystal thefts. All evidence suggests that the Sahagin are preparing to summon Leviathan once more, and Admiral Merlwyb has petitioned the Scions' aid in preventing the primal's return. Desiring to learn the true nature of the Echo, Minfilia declares her intent to join you on this mission.
Accepting the Quest
Alphinaud: It is past time Lady Yugiri met with the guild representatives in Revenant's Toll. Alphinaud: Since I do not foresee any further matters arising here in Thanalan which might require your personal attention, I would instead have you serve as an escort to the Doman delegation for the duration of the journey. Alphinaud: Speak first with Slafborn upon your arrival. He is the one with whom the Domans will be working most closely, I should think. Alphinaud: Afterwards, introduce Lady Yugiri to Minfilia and the guild emissary. If both meetings go well, the resulting ties should stand the Domans in good stead for that which is to come. Safe travels, [Forename].
Optional Dialogue
Yugiri: We are ready to depart at your earliest convenience. But say the word and we shall follow.
Kasasagi: Many great and terrible beasts roam the wastes of Mor Dhona, yes? Then we must needs keep a closer eye on the children.
Kikyo: I hope this proves to be the final leg of our journey... The malms have taken their toll.
Alphinaud: You needn't concern yourself with affairs here, [Forename]. I am more than capable of overseeing preparations for the remaining caravans. Alphinaud: Should other Doman vessels arrive, I will inform the Antecedent at once.
Speaking with Slafborn in Revenant's Toll (Cutscene)
Slafborn: And this must be the esteemed Lady Yugiri and her associates. I greet you all as friends, and bid you welcome to the Toll. Slafborn: I hope you do not find our dearth of fineries off-putting. Poor though we may seem, we have a wealth of spirit─and camaraderie to spare! Slafborn: You see, race and creed don't enter into it here. We welcome all sorts─provided they are willing to earn their keep, of course.
Yugiri: We are no strangers to hard work, Master Slafborn. You may rest assured that we will carry out your orders with due diligence.
Slafborn: Oh, not for a moment did I doubt your commitment, my lady! Pray understand, I give the same speech to all new arrivals. And you needn't bow your head or call me “Master” either. We are both frontier hands, as far as I'm concerned.
Yugiri: As you wish...Slafborn. May this meeting mark the beginning of a long and fruitful relationship.
Slafborn: Our guests have yet to meet the Antecedent? Seven hells, [Forename], why are you wasting time with me!? See them to the Rising Stones!
Optional Dialogue
Kasasagi: The sentries appear more than capable... Even so, it may be best to forbid people from venturing beyond the walls unescorted─for the time being, at least.
Kikyo: At long last, we have an opportunity to prove our worth. You shan't regret this, sir/madam.
Speaking with Yugiri
Yugiri: To whom much is given, much is expected... Yugiri: Forgive me─I require a moment to compose my thoughts before meeting with your leader. We shall join you at the Rising Stones anon.
Yugiri: The Rising Stones is in the Seventh Heaven, yes? We shall follow anon.
Speaking with Minfilia in the Rising Stones (Cutscene)
Minfilia: 'Tis no use... Minfilia: Our attempts to reach the Students of Baldesion continue to meet with failure. Urianger has explored other avenues of inquiry, but they too have yielded naught. Minfilia: We will persevere, of course...yet within our hearts, the truth is clear. We are but awaiting confirmation of that which we already know. Minfilia: How fare the Domans? I am given to understand you were kept quite busy in Vesper Bay. Minfilia: Mayhap you question the wisdom of aiding refugees when the primal threat remains unresolved. Minfilia: I should not blame you if you did. Nor would I deny that this matter falls outside our normal purview. Be that as it may, I could not ignore the plight of these refugees─not when it was within our power to help them. Minfilia: Lady Yugiri is here? Please, show her in. I should very much like to meet her.
Minfilia: We have no objections. Pray do so with our blessing.
Yugiri: Your answer pleases me beyond words, my lady─but are you quite certain? We have no way of knowing how many might answer my summons. Yugiri: In the event that Revenant's Toll could not accommodate us all, we would need to find an alternative solution.
Minfilia: Should that come to pass, we will find it together.
Adventurers' Guild Emissary: As ever, it has been a pleasure, Antecedent. Alas, we must take our leave as the first carriages are due to arrive at any moment. Adventurers' Guild Emissary: Should you require aught else, pray speak with Slafborn. Lady Yugiri, [Forename].
Optional Dialogue in the Solar
Kasasagi: Mayhap I worry overmuch. With so many able-bodied adventurers about, what beasts could post a threat?
Kikyo: I dared not give myself to hope in full, but for the first time in many moons, I am willing to do so.
Yugiri: I am amazed that none here knew of the war of succession until we arrived. Have you truly heard naught of what has transpired?
Optional Dialogue in the Waking Sands
Yda: Did the really sail that half-rotted ship all the way from Othard? Isn't that dangerous? What if it had sprung a leak?
F'lhaminn: So many youths these days fail to understand that it is incumbent on everyone to help those in need. That's why it's so wonderful when young men like Hoary Boulder rise to the occasion.
Hoary Boulder: <huff> <puff> This little thing? It's nothing compared to what—nngh—to what the Domans have endured!
Tataru: I wonder what herbs and spices they us in Doma. Maybe there's something I could add to my special tonic...
Papalymo: Eorzea may be a land of many cultures and creeds, but I nevertheless suspect that the Domans will struggle to adapt.
Coultenet: As is the case with other distant lands, I have heard rumors of mysterious magicks and martial arts. I dare not lend credence to these tales, but I cannot help but hope that some are true.
Speaking with Minfilia
Minfilia: Lhaminn and I will make all the necessary preparations to ensure that our Doman friends feel at home upon their arrival. Minfilia: Though I must admit that I am still troubled about the matter of the missing crystals... Minfilia: Y'shtola should be returning anon with a report from afield. Mayhap you could wait here and speak with her upon her arrival?
Cutscene start
Thancred: How goes the fishing? Caught anything slippery?
Y'shtola: Aye. Our suspicions were well founded. The Serpent Reavers are indeed the culprits.
Thancred: The plot thickens...
Y'shtola: Has there been any movement in Thanalan?
Thancred: It has been blessedly quiet. Which is to say the Amalj'aa are being no more or less of a nuisance than usual, summoning Ifrit with such crystals as they have hoarded. Thancred: Urianger, too, reports naught out of the ordinary.
Y'shtola: Then we have our explanation.
Minfilia: Your explanation for what, pray tell?
Y'shtola: For the recent spate of crystal thefts in Thanalan. We naturally assumed that the trail would lead us back to the Amalj'aa. Y'shtola: Yet it did not. It led us across the sea unto Vylbrand.
Minfilia: Vylbrand...? Minfilia: There have been reports of increased Sahagin activity of late... Minfilia: Oh gods...they mean to summon Leviathan?
Y'shtola: That is the way of it, I fear. Y'shtola: Whilst conducting our investigation on behalf of the Mineral Concern, we came upon evidence implicating the Serpent Reavers. Y'shtola: With the aid of the Maelstrom, I was able to verify our suspicions. 'Tis only a matter of time before Leviathan returns to harrow the seas. Y'shtola: But there is more. One of the Sahagin─an elder, by my judgment─spoke of attaining the “gift and knowledge of eternity.”
Minfilia: <moan>
Echo start
Y'shtola: Such a disturbance in the aether... If I did not know better, I should think this device defective. Y'shtola: And there is the explanation...
Sahagin Priest: Soon! Sssoon it shall begin! Our Lord shall rise 'midst sssurging waves to wash away the finless ones! Sahagin Priest: And I shall be granted the gift and knowledge of eternity, and with the emissary ssstand equal! Then shall I know no cesssation, no oblivion!
Y'shtola: ...Whence comes this promise of immortality? The emissary? Y'shtola: We have outstayed our welcome.
Echo End
Minfilia: “The gift...and knowledge.”
Y'shtola: Are the two of you quite well?
Minfilia: shared that vision, did you not? Minfilia: Even before the Sahagin made mention of the emissary, I recognized Elidibus's words. He is behind this. Minfilia: But surely it is not within his power to grant the Echo?
Y'shtola: My lady─unless we act swiftly, Leviathan will rise again. The Admiral has already requested that we intervene to prevent this. Failing that, we are to attend to the primal's extermination.
Minfilia: She will have our full cooperation. Let us make haste to Limsa Lominsa. Minfilia: I mean to play a part in this mission. Tataru─pray take charge in my absence.
Thancred: My lady, are you sure this is wise?
Minfilia: I am aware of the risks. But there is something I must see with mine own eyes. Minfilia: ...The true nature of the Echo.
Thancred: Very well. I shall not stand in your way...on the condition that you permit me to accompany you as bodyguard.
Minfilia: Your company is ever welcome, Thancred.
Yugiri: I take it something ill is afoot?
Y'shtola: Aye. A primal is about to be loosed upon Eorzea.
Yugiri: A...primal?
Y'shtola: A godlike being whose very existence is a bane upon the land. We Scions of the Seventh Dawn are sworn to put an end to their kind.
Yugiri: I see. Know then that I am learned in the arts of war. In return for the kindness you have shown my people, I would lend you my blade.
Y'shtola: It would be most welcome. When contending with a primal, one can never have too many able allies. Y'shtola: If you crave a more intimate understanding of the problems facing Eorzea, this experience is like to provide it. Be sure to come well prepared.