Mor Dhona Sidequests

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See also: Side Quests
Quest Level NPC Zone Coordinates EXP Gil Reward Optional Reward
A Legend for a Legend 1 Wandering Minstrel Mor Dhona (x21,y8) 0 0 Kirin fife icon1.png
Simply to Dye For 1 Alys Mor Dhona (x21,y8) 0 433 Unlocks Augmented Artifact Armor, dye-able Artifact Armor Coral pink dye icon1.png, Adamantoise green dye icon1.png, Rhotano blue dye icon1.png
Crazy about Crystals 44 Npah Tayuun Mor Dhona (x22,y7) 12190 0 Potent sleeping potion icon1.png, Potent paralyzing potion icon1.png, Mega-potion icon1.png, Hi-ether icon1.png
Passing the Smell Test 44 Aganbold Mor Dhona (x22,y8) 12190 0 Potent poisoning potion icon1.png, Potent blinding potion icon1.png, Potent silencing potion icon1.png
Leves of Saint Coinach's Find 45 K'leytai Mor Dhona (x29,y12) 12420 445
Problem with Plasma 45 Aganbold Mor Dhona (x22,y8) 12420 0 Tortoiseshell scale mail icon1.png, Peisteskin belt icon1.png, Felt robe icon1.png, Allagan gold piece icon1.png
Dirt and Ashes 45 Guolgeim Mor Dhona (x22,y6) 12420 405
The Sons Also Rise 45 Kakamehi Mor Dhona (x22,y8) 12420 379
Playing the Postman 45 Nazyl Duzyl Mor Dhona (x30,y12) 12420 405
Hit the Hippogryphs 45 Rammbroes Mor Dhona (x30,y12) 12420 482
Straight Outta Abalathia 45 Wandering Breeze Mor Dhona (x30,y12) 12420 0 Tortoiseshell scale greaves icon1.png, Cobalt-plated jackboots icon1.png, Raptorskin satchel belt icon1.png, Allagan gold piece icon1.png
Moon Sliver and Me 45 Klynthota Mor Dhona (x30,y13) 12420 0 Tortoiseshell scale fingers icon1.png, Fingerless raptorskin gloves icon1.png, Boarskin ringbands of tremors icon1.png, Allagan gold piece icon1.png
Holier than Thou 45 Wandering Breeze Mor Dhona (x30,y12) 12420 0 Cobalt elmo icon1.png, Electrum gorget icon1.png, Felt coif icon1.png, Allagan gold piece icon1.png
Dropping Out 45 Nazyl Duzyl Mor Dhona (x30,y12) 12420 405
The Organ of Choice 45 Guolgeim Mor Dhona (x22,y6) 12420 0 Raptorskin breeches icon1.png, Electrum wristlets icon1.png, Jerked beef icon1.png, Stuffed cabbage icon1.png, Allagan gold piece icon1.png
The Trickster of the Toll 45 Aganbold Mor Dhona (x22,y8) 12420 405
Heart of Cermet 45 Guolgeim Mor Dhona (x22,y6) 12420 405
Magiteknical Difficulties 50 Slafborn Mor Dhona (x21,y7) 0 686
Morbid Motivation 50 Brangwine Mor Dhona (x21,y6) 0 0 Mysterious map icon1.png
Maniac Manor 50 Lauriane Mor Dhona (x22,y8) 0 939 Unlocks Haukke Manor (Hard)
Out of Sight, Out of Mine 50 Hugubert Mor Dhona (x22,y8) 0 939 Unlocks Copperbell Mines (Hard)
This Time's for Fun 50 Hugubert Mor Dhona (x22,y8) 0 939
Curds and Slay 50 Bloezoeng Mor Dhona (x22,y8) 0 939
A Self-improving Man 50 Wiscard Mor Dhona (x22,y6) 0 0 Unlocks Glamours Grade 3 glamour prism (armorcraft) icon1.png, Grade 3 glamour prism (leatherworking) icon1.png, Grade 3 glamour prism (clothcraft) icon1.png
Submission Impossible 50 Wiscard Mor Dhona (x22,y6) 0 0 Grade 3 clear prism icon1.png
Just Tooling Around 50 Guiding Star Mor Dhona (x21,y6) 0 0 Pan-fried mahi-mahi icon1.png, Dzemael gratin icon1.png, Landtrap salad icon1.png, Bouillabaisse icon1.png, Rolanberry cheesecake icon1.png
Blood for Stone 50 Faillicie Mor Dhona (x21,y8) 0 2064 Unlocks Stone Vigil (Hard)
King of the Hull 50 Bloezoeng Mor Dhona (x22,y8) 0 2064 Unlocks Hullbreaker Isle
It's Definitely Pirates 50 Bloezoeng Mor Dhona (x22,y8) 0 2064
The Wrath of Qarn 50 Hugubert Mor Dhona (x22,y8) 0 2064
For Keep's Sake 50 Lauriane Mor Dhona (x22,y8) 0 2064
Not Easy Being Green 50 Bloezoeng Mor Dhona (x22,y8) 0 2064